4. Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed and our members of the House of Representatives be requested to sustain, by their votes and influence, the course adopted by the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Taney, in relation to the Bank of the United States and the deposits of the Government moneys, believing as we do the course of the Secretary to have been constitutional, and that the public good required its adoption.
5. Resolved, That the governor
be requested to forward a copy of the
above resolutions to each of our Senators
and Representatives from this
State to the Congress of the United States.
On the 21st day of February last the legislature of the same State reiterated the opinions and instructions before given by joint resolutions in the following words:
Resolved by the council and general assembly of the State of New Jersey, That they do adhere to the resolutions passed by them on the 11th day of January last, relative to the President of the United States, the Bank of the United States, and the course of Mr. Taney in removing the Government deposits.
Resolved, That the legislature of New Jersey have not seen any reason to depart from such resolutions since the passage thereof, and it is their wish that they should receive from our Senators and Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States that attention and obedience which are due to the opinion of a sovereign State openly expressed in its legislative capacity.
On the 2d of January, 1834, the senate and house of representatives composing the legislature of Ohio passed a preamble and resolutions in the following words:
Whereas there is reason to believe that
the Bank of the United States
will attempt to obtain a renewal of its
charter at the present session
of Congress; and
Whereas it is abundantly evident that
said bank has exercised powers
derogatory to the spirit of our free institutions
and dangerous to the
liberties of these United States; and
Whereas there is just reason to doubt
the constitutional power of
Congress to grant acts of incorporation
for banking purposes out of
the District of Columbia; and
Whereas we believe the proper disposal
of the public lands to be of the
utmost importance to the people of these
United States, and that honor
and good faith require their equitable
distribution: Therefore,