The Temptation of Samuel Burge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 17 pages of information about The Temptation of Samuel Burge.

The Temptation of Samuel Burge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 17 pages of information about The Temptation of Samuel Burge.

“I’ve got one,” he shouted.  “Come up and hold him while I look round.”

The butcher was beside him in a moment; Brother Burge struggling wildly, called loudly upon the name of Brother Higgs.

“That’s all right, constable,” said the latter, “that’s a friend of mine.”

“Friend o’ yours, sir?” said the disappointed officer, still holding him.

The jeweller nodded.  “Mr. Samuel Burge the Converted Burglar,” he said mechanically.

“Conver——­” gasped the astonished constable.  “Converted burglar?  Here!”

“He is a preacher now,” added Mr. Higgs.

“Preacher?” retorted the constable.  “Why it’s as plain as a pikestaff.  Confederates:  his part was to go down and let ’em in.”

Mr. Burge raised a piteous outcry.  “I hope you may be forgiven for them words,” he cried piously.

“What time did you go up to bed?” pursued the constable.

“About half-past eleven,” replied Mr. Higgs.

The other grunted with satisfaction.  “And he’s fully dressed, with his boots off,” he remarked.  “Did you hear him go out of his room at all?”

“He did go out,” said the jeweller truth-fully, “but——­”

“I thought so,” said the constable, turning to his prisoner with affectionate solicitude.  “Now you come along o’ me.  Come quietly, because it’ll be the best for you in the end.”

“You won’t get your skull split open then,” added the butcher, toying with his cleaver.

The jeweller hesitated.  He had no desire to be left alone with Mr. Burge again; and a sense of humour, which many years’ association with the Primitive Apostles had not quite eradicated, strove for hearing.

“Think of the sermon it’ll make,” he said encouragingly to the frantic Mr. Burge, “think of the congregation!”

Brother Burge replied in language which he had not used in public since he had joined the Apostles.  The butcher and another man stood guard over him while the constable searched the premises and made all secure again.  Then with a final appeal to Mr. Higgs who was keeping in the background, he was pitched to the police-station by the energetic constable and five zealous assistants.

A diffidence, natural in the circumstances, prevented him from narrating the story of his temptation to the magistrates next morning, and Mr. Higgs was equally reticent.  He was put back while the police communicated with London, and in the meantime Brother Clark and a band of Apostles flanked down to his support.

On his second appearance before the magistrates he was confronted with his past; and his past to the great astonishment of the Brethren being free from all blemish with the solitary exception of fourteen days for stealing milk-cans, he was discharged with a caution.  The disillusioned Primitive Apostles also gave him his freedom.

Project Gutenberg
The Temptation of Samuel Burge from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.