The Nest Egg eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 19 pages of information about The Nest Egg.

The Nest Egg eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 19 pages of information about The Nest Egg.

In the morning he went and hunted up a shipmate of ’is, a young feller named Jack Bates.  Jack was one o’ these ’ere chaps, nobody’s enemy but their own, as the saying is; a good-’arted, free-’anded chap as you could wish to see.  Everybody liked ’im, and the ship’s cat loved ’im.  He’d ha’ sold the shirt off ’is back to oblige a pal, and three times in one week he got ’is face scratched for trying to prevent ’usbands knocking their wives about.

Charlie Tagg went to ’im because he was the only man ’e could trust, and for over arf an hour he was telling Jack Bates all ’is troubles, and at last, as a great favour, he let ’im see the Sydney gal’s photygraph, and told him that all that pore gal’s future ’appiness depended upon ’im.

“I’ll step round to-night and rob ’em of that seventy-two pounds,” ses Jack; “it’s your money, and you’ve a right to it.”

Charlie shook his ’ead.  “That wouldn’t do,” he ses; “besides, I don’t know where they keep it.  No; I’ve got a better plan than that.  Come round to the Crooked Billet, so as we can talk it over in peace and quiet.”

He stood Jack three or four arf-pints afore ’e told ’im his plan, and Jack was so pleased with it that he wanted to start at once, but Charlie persuaded ’im to wait.

“And don’t you spare me, mind, out o’ friendship,” ses Charlie, “because the blacker you paint me the better I shall like it.”

“You trust me, mate,” ses Jack Bates; “if I don’t get that seventy-two pounds for you, you may call me a Dutchman.  Why, it’s fair robbery, I call it, sticking to your money like that.”

They spent the rest o’ the day together, and when evening came Charlie went off to the Cooks’.  Emma ’ad arf expected they was going to a theayter that night, but Charlie said he wasn’t feeling the thing, and he sat there so quiet and miserable they didn’t know wot to make of ’im.

“’Ave you got any trouble on your mind, Charlie,” ses Mrs. Cook, “or is it the tooth-ache?”

“It ain’t the toothache,” ses Charlie.

He sat there pulling a long face and staring at the floor, but all Mrs. Cook and Emma could do ’e wouldn’t tell them wot was the matter with ’im.  He said ’e didn’t want to worry other people with ’is troubles; let everybody bear their own, that was ’is motto.  Even when George Smith offered to go to the theayter with Emma instead of ’im he didn’t fire up, and, if it ‘adn’t ha’ been for Mrs. Cook, George wouldn’t ha’ been sorry that ’e spoke.

“Theayters ain’t for me,” ses Charlie, with a groan.  “I’m more likely to go to gaol, so far as I can see, than a theayter.”

Mrs. Cook and Emma both screamed and Sarah Ann did ’er first highstericks, and very well, too, considering that she ’ad only just turned fifteen.

“Gaol!” ses old Cook, as soon as they ’ad quieted Sarah Ann with a bowl o’ cold water that young Bill ‘ad the presence o’ mind to go and fetch.  “Gaol!  What for?”

Project Gutenberg
The Nest Egg from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.