Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore.

Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore.
replied to him that they had neither a vessel nor salt for the baptism.  Declan said:  “We have a wide vessel, the Suir, and God will send us salt, for this child is destined to become holy and wonderful [in his works].”  Thereupon Declan took up a fistful of earth and, making prayer in his heart to God, he signed the clay with the sign of the cross of redemption.  It (the handful of earth) became white, dry salt, and all, on seeing it, gave thanks and honour to God and Declan.  The infant was baptised there and the name of Ciaran given him.  Declan said:  “Bring up my spiritual son carefully and send him, at a fitting age, for education to a holy man who is well instructed in the faith for he will become a shining bright pillar in the Church.”  And it was this child, Ciaran Mac Eochaidh, who founded in after years a famous monastery (from which he migrated to heaven) and another place (monastery) besides.  He worked many miracles and holy signs and this is the name of his monastery Tiprut [Tubrid] and this is where it is:—­in the western part of the Decies in Ui Faithe between Slieve Grot [Galtee] and Sieve Cua and it is within the bishopric of Declan.

38.  On another day there came a woman to Declan’s monastery not far from the city where she dwelt.  She committed a theft that day in Declan’s monastery as she had often done previously, and this is the thing she stole—­a “habellum” [possibly an item of tribute]; she departed homewards taking it with her and there met her a group of people on the highway, and the earth, in their presence, swallowed her up, and she cast out the tabellum from her bosom and it was quickly turned into a stone which the wayfarers took and brought with them to Declan.  Declan himself had in supernatural vision seen all that happened to the woman in punishment of her theft, and the name of Declan was magnified owing to those marvels so that fear took possession of all-those present and those absent.  The stone in question remains still in Declan’s graveyard in his own town of Ardmore-Declain, where it stands on an elevated place in memory of this miracle.

39.  A rich man named Fintan was childless, for his wife was barren for many years.  He himself, with his wife, visited Declan and promised large alms and performance of good works provided he (Declan) would pray that they might have children:  they held it as certain that if Declan but prayed for them God would grant them children.  Declan therefore, praying to God and blessing the pair, said:  “Proceed to your home and through God’s bounty you shall have offspring.”  The couple returned home, with great joy for the blessing and for the promise of the offspring.  The following night, Fintan lay with his wife and she conceived and brought forth twin sons, scil.:  Fiacha and Aodh, who, together with their children and descendants were under tribute and service to God and Declan.

Project Gutenberg
Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.