The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861.
he was born, I took some money I’d saved to buy a yoke of oxen, an’ went to Toledo o’ purpose to see Rachel.  It cut me awful to do it, but I was desprit.  I found her livin’ in a little house, with a bit o’ garden, she’d bought.  I s’pose she must ‘a’ had five or six hundred dollars when the farm was sold, an’ she made a good deal by sewin’, besides.  She was settin’ at her work when I went in, an’ knowed me at onst, though I don’t believe I’d ever ‘a’ knowed her.  She was old, an’ thin, an’ hard-lookin’; her mouth was pale an’ sot, like she was bitin’ somethin’ all the time; an’ her eyes, though they was sunk into her head, seemed to look through an’ through an’ away out th’ other side o’ you.

“It jist shut me up when she looked at me.  She was so corpse-like I was afraid she’d drop dead, then and there:  but I made out at last to say, ‘Rachel, I’ve come all the way from Illinois to see you.’  She kep’ lookin’ straight at me, never sayin’ a word.  ‘Rachel,’ says I, ’I know I’ve acted bad towards you.  God knows I didn’t mean to do it.  I don’t blame you for payin’ it back to me the way you’re doin’, but Mary Ann an’ the boy never done you no harm.  I’ve come all the way o’ purpose to ask your forgiveness, hopin’ you’ll be satisfied with what’s been done, an’ leave off bearin’ malice agin us.’  She looked kind o’ sorrowful-like, but drawed a deep breath, an’ shuck her head, ’Oh, Rachel,’ says I,—­an’ afore I knowed it I was right down on my knees at her feet,—­’Rachel, don’t be so hard on me.  I’m the onhappiest man that lives.  I can’t stan’ it no longer.  Rachel, you didn’t use to be so cruel, when we was boys an’ girls together.  Do forgive me, an’ leave off’ hauntin’ me so.’

“Then she spoke up, at last, an’ says she,—­

“‘Eber Nicholson, I was married to you, in the sight o’ God!’

“‘I know it,’ says I; ‘you say it to me every night; an’ it wasn’t my doin’s that you’re not my wife now:  but, Rachel, if I’d ‘a’ betrayed you, an’ ruined you, an’ killed you, God couldn’t ‘a’ punished me wuss than you’re a-punishin’ me.’

“She giv’ a kind o’ groan, an’ two tears run down her white face.  ’Eber Nicholson,’ says she, ’ask God to help you, for I can’t.  There might ‘a’ been a time,’ says she, ’when I could ‘a’ done it, but it’s too late now.’

“‘Don’t say that, Rachel,’ says I; ’it’s never too late to be merciful an’ forgivin’.’

“‘It doesn’t depend on myself,’ says she; ‘I’m sent to you.  It’s th’ only comfort I have in life to be near you; but I’d give up that, if I could.  Pray to God to let me die, for then we shall both have rest.’

“An’ that was all I could git out of her.

“I come home ag’in, knowin’ I’d spent my money for nothin’.  Sence then, it’s been jist the same as before,—­not reg’lar every night, but sort o’ comes on by spells, an’ then stops three or four days, an’ then comes on ag’in.  Fact is, what’s the use o’ livin’ in this way?  We can’t be neighborly; we’re afeard to have anybody come to see us; we’ve got no peace, no comfort o’ bein’ together, an’ no heart to work an’ git ahead, like other folks.  It’s jist killin’ me, body an’ soul.”

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.