The Lost Trail eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about The Lost Trail.

The Lost Trail eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about The Lost Trail.

“‘I know I’m a great sinner,’ she cried, covering her face with her hands; ‘but I try to do as well as I can.’

“‘Do you know Tom O’Reilly?’ he asked, loud enough to be heard in Limerick.  ‘You have treated him ill.’

“‘That I know I have,’ she sobbed, ‘and how can I do him justice?’

“‘He loves you.’

“‘I know he does!’

“’He is a shplendid man, and will make a much bitter husband than the spalpeen that ye now looks on with favor.’

“‘Shall I make him my husband?’

“’Yis; if ye wish to save yourself from purgatory.  If the other man marries yees, he’ll murder yees the same night.’

“‘Oh!’ shrieked the gal, as if she’d go down upon the ground, ’and how shall I save meself?’

“‘By marrying Tom O’Reilly.’

“‘Is that the only way?’

“‘Ay.  Does yees consint?’

“‘I do; I must do poor Tom justice.’

“‘Will ye marry him this same night?’

“‘That I will.’

“’Tom is hid under this bridge; I’ll go down and bring him up, and he’ll go to the praist’s with yees.  Don’t ye shtir or I’ll ate yees.’

“So Tom whisked under the ind of the bridge, slipped off the sheet, all the time kaaping one eye cocked above to saa that Kitty didn’t give him the shlip.  He then came up and spoke very smilingly to the gal, as though he hadn’t seen her afore that night.  He didn’t think that his voice was jist the same.

“Kitty didn’t say much, but she walked very quiet by his side, till they came to the praist’s house at this ind of Limerick.  The owld fellow must have been expecting him, for before he could knock, he opened the door and let him in.  The praist didn’t wait long, and in five minutes he towld them they were man and wife, and nothing but death could iver make them different.  Tom gave a regular yell that made the windys rattle, for he couldn’t kaap his faalings down.  He then threw his arms around his wife, gave her another hug, and then dropped her like a hot potato.  For instead of being Kitty McGuire, it was Molly Mulligan!  The owld praist wasn’t so bad after all.  He had told Kitty and Molly of Tom’s plans, and they had fixed the matter atween thim.

“Wal, the praist laughed, and Tom looked melancholier than iver; but purty soon he laughed too, and took the praist’s advice to make the bist of the bargain.  Whisht!”

Teddy paused abruptly, for he heard a prolonged but faint halloo.  It was, evidently, the call of his master, and indicated the direction of the camp.  He replied at once, and without thinking one moment of the prowling brute which might be upon him instantly, he passed beyond the protecting circle of his fire, and dashed off at top of his speed through the woods, and ere long reached the camp-fire of his friends.  As he came in, he observed that Mrs. Richter still was asleep beneath the canoe, while her husband stood watching beside her.  Teddy had determined to

Project Gutenberg
The Lost Trail from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.