Independence, Mo.
as guides
on raids
as saviours
at “grub-feast”
James, Noah
Jondro, Joseph
Josephine, Empress
Kerns, Capt.
Keseberg, Lewis
Land-grants, Mexican
Leese, Jacob
“Life and Days of General John A. Sutter”
Maps of territory
Maury, William L.
McCoon, Perry
McCutchen, William
McGlashan, C.F.
McKinstrey, Col. George
Mervine, Capt.
Mexican War
Miller, Hiram
Moutrey, R.S.
Murphy, Mrs. Lavina
Murphy, William G.
Oakley, Howard
Oatman, Eugene
“Oregon and California”
Packwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Pike, William
Pony Express, first
Poor, Elizabeth
letter to
Prudon, Major
Reed, James F.
Relief Party, First
Relief Party, Fourth
Relief Party, Second
Relief Party, Third
Rhinehart, Joseph
Rhodes, Daniel
Rhodes, John
Richardson, ——
Richey, D.
Richer, Col. M.D.
Robinson, Kate
Robinson, Judge Robert
Robinson, Hon. Tod
Russell, Col.
Sacramento Union
first in California
Miss Doty’s
St. Mary’s Hall
Miss Hutchinson’s
St. Catherine’s
Jefferson Grammar
Schoonover, T.J.
Sherman, Gen. Wm. T.
Shoemaker, Samuel
Sinclair, John
Sloat, Commodore
Smith, General
Smith, James
Snyder, John
last visit to,
Springfield Journal
Stanton, Charles
Stark, John
Starved Camp
Stone, Charles
Sutter, Captain John A.
Sutter’s Fort
Swift, Margaret
Thanksgiving celebration
Thornton, J.Q.,
extracts from journal
“Thrilling Events in California History”
Toll, Agnes
“Topographical Report, with Maps Attached”
“Travels Among the Rocky Mountains, Through
Oregon and California”
Trubode, John Baptiste
Tucker, Daniel
Tucker, George
Tucker, Racine
Turner, John
Upton, Nellie
Vallejo, Mariano G.
Webster, Daniel
“What I Saw in California”
White, Dr. G.A.
White, Henry A.
Wolfinger, ——
Woodworth, Midshipman
Yost, Daniel
Yount, George
Zabriskie, Annie