Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman eBook

Austin Steward
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman.

Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman eBook

Austin Steward
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman.

Above all things refrain from the excessive use of ardent spirits.  There is no evil whose progress is so imperceptible; and at the same time so sure and deadly, as that of intemperance; and by slow degrees it undermines health, wealth, and happiness, till all at length tumble into one dreadful mass of ruin.  If God has given you children, he has in so doing imposed upon you a most fearful responsibility; believe me, friends, you will answer to God for every misfortune suffered, and every crime committed by them which right education and example could have taught them to avoid.  Teach them reverence and obedience to the laws both of God and man.  Teach them sobriety, temperance, justice, and truth.  Let their minds be rightly instructed—­imbued with kindness and brotherly love, charity, and benevolence.  Let them possess at least so much learning as is to be acquired in the common schools of the country.  In short, let their welfare be dearer to you than any earthly enjoyment; so shall they be the richest of earthly blessings.

My countrymen, let us henceforth remember that we are men.  Let us as one man, on this day resolve that henceforth, by continual endeavors to do good to all mankind, we will claim for ourselves the attention and respect which as men we should possess.  So shall every good that can be the portion of man, be ours—­this life shall be happy, and the life to come, glorious.

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The opinion of the public regarding the celebration and performances of that day, together with the behavior of the colored people, will be seen by the following short extract from the Rochester Daily Advertiser, published soon after the occurrence of those events: 


“The extinction of that curse by the laws of our State, was marked with appropriate rejoicings on the part of the African race in this neighborhood.  A procession of considerable length and respectable appearance, preceded by a band of music, moved from Brown’s Island through the principal streets to the public square, yesterday forenoon, where a stage and seats were erected, for the speakers and audience.  The throne of Grace was addressed by the Rev. Mr. Allen, a colored clergyman.  The act declaring all slaves free in this State, on the fourth day of July, 1827, was read, which was succeeded by the reading of the Declaration of Independence and delivery of an oration by Mr. Steward.  We have heard but one opinion from several gentlemen who were present, and that was highly complimentary to the composition and delivery of the same.

“The exercises were concluded by a short discourse from the Rev. Mr. Allen, and the procession moved off to partake of an entertainment prepared for the occasion.  The thing was got up in good order, and passed off remarkably well.  The conduct of the emancipated race was exemplary throughout, and if their future enjoyment of freedom be tinctured with the prudence that characterised their celebration of its attainment, the country will have no reason to mourn the philanthropy that set them free.”

Project Gutenberg
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.