The devil now prepares a fall for thee!
The noblest mission this of youth’s estate.
The world was not, till it I did create;
The radiant Sun I led from out the sea;
Her changeful course the Moon began with me;
The Day arrayed herself my steps to meet,
The Earth grew green, and blossom’d me to greet:
At my command, upon yon primal Night,
The starry hosts unveiled their glorious light.
Who, beside me, the galling chains unbound,
Which cramping thought had cast your spirits round?
But I am free, as speaks my spirit-voice,
My inward light I follow, and rejoice;
Swift I advance, enraptur’d, void of fear,
Brightness before me, darkness in the rear. [Exit.]
Go, in thy pride, Original, thy way!—
True insight would, in truth, thy spirit grieve!
What wise or stupid thoughts can man conceive,
Unponder’d in the ages passed away?—
Yet we for him need no misgiving have;
Changed will he be, when a few years are past;
Howe’er absurdly may the must behave,
Nathless it yields a wine at last.—
(To the younger part of the audience, who do not applaud.)
Though to my words you’re somewhat cold,
Good children, me you don’t offend;
Reflect! The devil, he is old;
Grow old then, him to comprehend!
(After the fashion of the middle ages; cumbrous, useless apparatus, for fantastic purposes)
WAGNER (at the furnace)
Soundeth the bell, the fearful clang
Thrills through these sooty walls; no more
Upon fulfilment waits the pang
Of hope or fear;—suspense is o’er;
The darknesses begin to clear,
Within the inmost phial glows
Radiance, like living coal, that throws,
As from a splendid carbuncle, its rays;
Athwart the gloom its lightning plays.
A pure white lustre doth appear;
O may I never lose it more!—
My God! what rattles at the door?
Welcome! As friend I enter here.
Hail to the star that rules the hour!
On breath and utterance let a ban be laid!
Soon will be consummate a work of power.
MEPHISTOPHELES (in a whisper)
What is it, then?
A man is being made.
A man? and pray what loving pair
Have in your smoke-hole their abode?