Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader.

Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader.

Nearly all the woodland now remaining in lower Virginia, and also much of the land which has long been arable, is rendered unproductive by acidity; and successive generations have toiled on such land, almost without remuneration, and without suspecting that their worst virgin land was then richer than their manured lots appeared to be.  The cultivator of such soil, who knows not its peculiar disease, has no other prospect than a gradual decrease of his always scanty crops.  But if the evil is once understood, and the means of its removal are within his reach, he has reason to rejoice that his soil was so constituted as to be preserved from the effects of the improvidence of his forefathers, who would have worn out any land not almost indestructible.  The presence of acid, by restraining the productive powers of the soil, has, in a great measure, saved it from exhaustion; and after a course of cropping, which would have utterly ruined soils much better constituted, the powers of our acid land remain not greatly impaired, though dormant, and ready to be called into action by merely being relieved of its acid quality.  A few crops will reduce a new acid field to so low a rate of product, that it scarcely will pay for its cultivation; but no great change is afterwards caused, by continuing scourging tillage and grazing, for fifty years longer.  Thus our acid soils have two remarkable and opposite qualities,—­both proceeding from the same cause; they can neither be enriched by manure, nor impoverished by cultivation, to any great extent.  Qualities so remarkable deserve all our powers of investigation; yet their very frequency seems to have caused them to be overlooked; and our writers on agriculture have continued to urge those who seek improvement, to apply precepts drawn from English authors, to soils which are totally different from all those for which their instructions were intended.

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=_Francis Wayland, 1796-1865._= (Manual, pp. 487, 502, 504.)

From “The Limitations of Human Responsibility.”


It is a common remark, that, whenever it has been thought necessary to arouse the mind of man to enterprises of great pith and moment, the appeal has always been made to his moral sentiments.  Hence, among the most ancient nations, it was the invariable custom to accompany the declaration of war with religious ceremonies; and if, in later times, this custom has become somewhat less usual, the change itself, in a more remarkable manner, illustrates the tendency of our nature....  But let victory declare for the assailed, let the invader become the invaded, let it become necessary to stimulate men to put forth the highest effort of human daring, and the sacred names of conscience, of duty to family, to country, and to God, are universally invoked, and the Supreme Being is urgently appealed to, to succor the cause of a sinking

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Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.