Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,003 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers.

Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,003 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers.


Florida war—­Startling news of the Massacre of Dade—­Peoria on the Illinois—­Abanaki language—­Oregon—­Things shaping for a territorial claim—­Responsibility of claim in an enemy’s country—­A true soldier—­Southern Literary Messenger—­Missionary cause—­Resources of Missouri—­Indian portfolio of Lewis—­Literary gossip—­Sir Francis Head—­The Crane and Addik totem—­Treaty of March 28th, 1836, with the Ottawas and Chippewas—­Treaty with the Saginaws of May 20th—­Treaty with the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas of May 9th—­Return to Michilimackinack—­Death of Charlotte, the daughter of Songageezhig.


Home matters—­Massachusetts Historical Society—­Question of the U.S.  Senate’s action on certain treaties of the Lake Indians—­Hugh L. White—­Dr. Morton’s Crania Americana—­Letter from Mozojeed—­State of the pillagers—­Visit of Dr. Follen and Miss Martineau—­Treaty movements—­Young Lord Selkirk—­Character and value of Upper Michigan—­Hon. John Norvell’s letter—­Literary items—­Execution of the treaty of March 28th—­Amount of money paid—­Effects of the treaty—­Baron de Behr-Ornithology.


Value of the equivalent territory granted to Michigan, by Congress, for the disputed Ohio boundary—­Rapid improvement of Michigan—­Allegan—­Indian legend—­Baptism and death of Kagcosh, a very aged chief at St. Mary’s—­New system of writing Indian, proposed by Mr. Nash—­Indian names for new towns—­A Bishop’s notion of the reason for applying to Government for education funds under Indian treaties—­Mr. Gallatin’s paper on the Indians—­The temperance movement.


Difficulties resulting from a false impression of the Indian character—­Treaty with the Saginaws—­Ottawas of Grand River establish themselves in a colony in Barry County—­Payments to the Ottawas of Maumee, Ohio—­Temperance—­Assassination of young Aitkin by an Indian at Leech Lake—­Mackinack mission abandoned—­Wyandots complain of a trespass from a mill-dam—­Mohegans of Green Bay apply for aid on their way to visit Stockbridge, Mass.—­Mohegan traditions—­Historical Society—­Programme of a tour in the East—­Parental disobedience—­Indian treaties—­Dr. Warren’s Collection of Crania—­Hebrew language—­Geology—­“Goods offer”—­Mrs. Jameson—­Mastodon’s tooth in Michigan—­Captain Marryatt—­The Icelandic language—­Munsees—­Speech of Little Bear Skin chief, or Mukonsewyan.


Notions of foreigners about America—­Mrs. Jameson—­Appraisements of Indian property—­Le Jeune’s early publication on the Iroquois—­Troops for Florida—­A question of Indian genealogy—­Annuity payments—­Indians present a claim of salvage—­Death of the Prophet Chusco—­Indian sufferings—­Gen. Dodge’s treaty—­Additional debt claims—­Gazetteer of Michigan—­Stone’s Life of Brant—­University of Michigan—­Christian Keepsake—­Indian etymology—­Small-pox breaks out on the Missouri—­Missionary operations in the north-west—­Treaty of Flint River with the Saginaws.

Project Gutenberg
Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.