History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.
Solger, K.F. 
Sommer, H.
Sommer, R.
Soul, the, thought the essence of, in Descartes a congeries of ideas in Spinoza thought the essence of, in Malebranche, thought merely an activity of, in Locke a sum of inner states in Hume
 Leibnitz’s monadological view of
 Kant on
 Herbart on See also Ego, Immortality, Mind and Body
Space (and Time), Hobbes on in Leibnitz in Kant in Herbart in Schopenhauer in Spencer in Lotze
Spencer, H. system of
Spicker, G.
Spinoza, B. de position in modern philosophy and Descartes system of and Leibnitz and Schelling See also Descartes
Spirit, Schilling’s philosophy of
 Hegel’s phenomenology of his doctrine of subjective of objective of absolute recent German philosophy of
Spitta, H.
Stadler, A.
Stahl, F.J. 
Starcke, C.N. 
State, the, early theories of
 Hobbes on
 Spinoza on
 Locke on
 Montesquieu on
 Rousseau’s theory of
 Kant’s view of
 Fichte on
 Schelling on
 Hegel on
 Spencer on See also Social Contract
Staudinger, F.
Steckelmacher, M.
Steffens, H.
Steffensen, K.
Stein, H. von
Stein, L.
Stephen, Leslie
Stern, A.
Stewart, Dugald
Stirling, J.H. 
Stirner, Max (pseudonym, cf.  K. Schmidt)
Stoeckl, A.
Stoehr, A.
Stout, G.F. 
Strauss, D.F. 
Struempell, L.
Stumpf, C.
Stumpf, T.
Sturm, Christoph
Suarez, Francis
 Descartes on
 Spinoza on
 Locke on
 Berkeley on (material)
 Hume’s skeptical analysis of
 Leibnitz’s doctrine of
 Kant on
 Schopenhauer on
 Hartmann on
Sufficient Reason, the Principle of in Leibnitz in Schopenhauer
Sully, James

Taine, H.
Tappan, H.P. 
Taubert, A.
Teleological Argument, the in Boyle
 Hume on
 Reimarus on
 Leibnitz on
 Kant on
 Herbart on
Teleology minimized by modern thought rejected by modern physics in Boyle
 Bacon on
 Hobbes’s denial of
 Descartes on
 Spinoza’s denial of
 Newton on
 Leibnitz on
 Kant on in Fichte
 Schelling on in Hegel in Trendelenburg in Hartmann See also Mechanism, Naturalism, Sufficient Reason, Teleological
Temple, Sir William
Tetens, J.N. 
Theology relation of, to philosophy in Taurellus in Campanella and science in Bacon in Leibnitz
 Lessing’s speculative

 Kant’s view of
 Schelling on
 Schleiermacher’s view of
 Comte on the theological stage of thought
 Strauss on
 Feuerbach on
 See also Deism, Faith, Faith and Reason, God, Religion
Thiele, G.
Things in themselves
 in Kant’s critics and immediate successors
 in Fichte
 Liebmann on
 See also Phenomena, Noumena

Project Gutenberg
History of Modern Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.