History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.
 Falckenberg on (ethical) idealism and the future
Ideas, innate, in Descartes, Locke, Leibnitz, the rationalists and the empiricists origin of, in Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, the rationalists and empiricists, and Herbart impressions and, in Hume unconscious ideas or representations in Leibnitz
 Ideas of reason in Kant the logical Idea the subject of the world-process in Hegel
Identity, Locke on
 Spinozism a system of
 Schelling’s philosophy or system of the philosophy of, among Schelling’s followers
 Hegel’s doctrine a system of
 Fortlage’s system of philosophy of, in Schopenhauer
 Hume on
 Voltaire on
 Rousseau on
 Leibnitz on
 Kant on
 Schleiermacher on
 Beneke on
 Herbart on
 Hegel’s followers on
 Strauss on
 Fechner on
Imperative, the Categorical in Kant in Fichte in Beneke
 Kepler on
 Galileo on used before Bacon
 Bacon’s theory of in Hobbes
 J.S.  Mill’s theory of
Irwing, Von

Jacobi, F.H. system of and Fichte and the anti-idealists
Jacobson, J.
Jaeger, G.
James, William
Janet, Paul
Jastrow, J.
Jevons, W.S. 
Jhering, R. von
Jodl, F.
Joel, M.
Jouffroy, T.
 Descartes on rationalists and empiricists both mistake nature of
 Kant on synthetic judgments a priori the categories and, in Kant judgments of perception and of experience in Kant
 Kant on aesthetic and teleological

Kaatz, H.
Kaftan, J.
Kaltenborn, C. von
Kant, I.

position in modern philosophy and Locke and the Illumination system of the development to Fichte and Fichte and Schelling and Hegel and Schopenhauer his influence, followers, and opponents See also Berkeley, Critique of Reason, J.G.  Fichte, Hume, Leibnitz, Locke, Schopenhauer, Wolff

Kedney, J.S. 
Kent, G.
Kepler, J. philosophy of
Kierkegaard, S.
King, Lord
Kirchmann, J.H. von
Klein, G.M. 
Knauer, V.
Knight, W.
Knoodt, P.
Knowledge theory of, in modern thought doctrine of, in Nicolas of Cusa declared deceptive by Montaigne mathematical basis of, in Kepler and Galileo in Bacon in Hobbes in Herbart the two views of
 Geulincx on
 Descartes on
 Spinoza on
 Malebranche on ("we see all things in God”)
 Locke’s doctrine of
 Berkeley on
 Hume’s skeptical doctrine of
 Scottish doctrine of sensationalistic doctrine of, in France
 Leibnitz’s theory of
 Kant on
 Fichte’s Science of
 Schelling’s philosophy of
 Baader on
 Schleiermacher’s doctrine of
 Hegel on philosophical
 J.F.  Fries’s doctrine of
 Beneke on speculative
 Schopenhauer’s doctrine of
 Comte’s doctrine of
 Sir Wm. Hamilton’s doctrine of
 J.S.  Mill’s doctrine of
 Spencer’s doctrine of

Project Gutenberg
History of Modern Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.