History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.
doctrine of Rousseau central to religion in Schleiermacher See also The Faith Philosophy
Ferguson, Adam
Ferrari, Giuseppe
Ferri, L.
Ferrier, D.
Ferrier, J.F. 
Fester, R.
Feuerbach, L. philosophy of
Fichte, I.H. 
Fichte, J.G. and Kant system of and Schelling and Hegel and Herbart and Lotze See also Idealism, Jacobi, Kant
Final Causes, see Teleology
Fiorentino, F.
Fischer, E.L. 
Fischer, K. Ph. 
Fischer, Karl
Fischer, Kuno works by on Spinoza on Kant his philosophy and neo-Kantianism
Fiske, John
Flint, K.
Fludd, R.
Forge, L. de la
Fortlage, Karl works by system of
Fouillee, A.
Fowler, Thos. 
Fox Bourne
Franchi, A.
Franck, A.
Franck, Sebastian
Frantz, K.
Eraser, A.C. 
Frauenstaedt, J.
Frederichs, F.
Frederick the Great
Freedom of the Will, Hobbes’s denial of
 Descartes’s unlimited affirmation of denied by Spinoza
 Locke on denied by Hume in Rousseau
 Leibnitz on
 Herder on
 Kant on
 Fichte on
 Schelling on
 Herbart on
 Schopenhauer on
 J-S.  Mill on See also Character, the Intelligible; Determinism
Frege, G.
Freudenthal, J.
Fries, A. de
Fries, J.F., and Kant an opponent of constructive idealism his system and Herbart
Fullerton, G.S.

Galileo (Galileo Galilei) his work as a foundation for modern physics his system
Galluppi, P.
Galton, Francis
Garve, C.
Gassendi, P.
Geijer, E.G. 
Genovesi, A.
Gentilis, Albericus
George, L.
George of Trebizond
Georgius Scholarius (Gennadius)
Gerdil, S.
Geulincx, Arnold
Gierke, O.
Gilbert, William
Gioberti, V.
Gioja, M.
Gizycki, G. von
Glisson, Francis
Glogau, G.
God, doctrine of, in Nicolas of Cusa in Taurellus in Bruno
 Campanella’s argument for the existence of
 Weigel’s doctrine of
 Boehme’s doctrine of
 Descartes’s arguments for the existence of
 Spinoza’s doctrine of
 Malebranche’s view of
 Locke’s doctrine of
 Berkeley ascribes ideas of sense-world to
 Hume’s doctrine of
 Voltaire’s doctrine of
 Holbach’s discussion of
 Leibnitz’s doctrine of
 Reimarus’s doctrine of
 Lessing’s doctrine of
 Herder’s doctrine of
 Jacobi’s doctrine of
 Kant on the arguments for the existence of
 Fichte’s doctrine of
 Schelling’s doctrine of
 F. Krause’s doctrine of
 Baader’s doctrine of
 Schleiermacher’s doctrine of
 Beneke’s doctrine of
 Herbart’s doctrine of
 Boestrom’s doctrine of the doctrine of, in Hegel’s School
 Strauss’s doctrine of
 Feuerbach’s doctrine of the doctrine of, in the Theistic School
 Fechner on the relation of God and the world

Project Gutenberg
History of Modern Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.