History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

Ebbinghaus, H.
Eberhard, J.A. 
Eclecticism, of the German Illumination of Schleiermacher of Cousin and his School
Edfeldt, H.
 Locke on
 Rousseau on
Edwards, Jonathan
Ego, the certain knowledge of, in Campanella, and Descartes the individual, and the transcendental consciousness in Kant
 Fichte’s doctrine of a complex of representations in Beneke
 Fortlage on
 Herbart’s doctrine of the neo-Kantians on the individual, and the transcendental consciousness See also Soul
Emerson, R.W. 
Empiricism founded by Bacon in Hobbes and rationalism of Locke of J.S.  Mill of Opzoomer
 Liebmann on See also Experience, Sensationalism
Encyclopedists, the
Engel, J.J. 
Erasmus, Desiderius
Erdmann, Benno works by
Erdmann, J.E. works by philosophy of
Erhardt, F.
Eschenmayer, K.A. 
Ethelism in Crusius of Fichte of Schopenhauer in Hartmann See also Panthelism. 
 Bacon on
 Hobbes’s political theory of
 Descartes on
 Geulincx on
 Spinoza on
 Pascal on
 Malebranche on
 Locke on
 English, of XVIII. century
 Hume’s empirical and mechanical of French sensationalists of French materialists of Rousseau of Leibnitz of Herder of Kant of Fichte of Schleiermacher of Hegel of J.F.  Fries of Beneke of Herbart of Schopenhauer of Comte of Bentham of J.S.  Mill, of Spencer of T.H.  Green of Lotze of Hartmann recent German interest in
Eucken, R. works by philosophy of
Everett, C.C. 
 Weigel on the origin of
 Boehme on the origin of
 Spinoza’s doctrine of
 Leibnitz’s doctrine of
 Schelling’s theory of
 Baader’s theory of
 Fechner’s view of See also Optimism, Pessimism
Evolution in the sense of explication in Nicolas of Cusa and involution in Leibnitz cosmical, of Spencer biological, of Darwin Cf. also the systems of Schelling, Hegel, Hartmann
Exner, F.
Experience the basis of science in Bacon
 Kant on
 Green on
 Liebmann’s view of See also Empiricism, Sensationalism
External World, the reality of, in Descartes knowledge and reality of, in Locke
 Berkeley on
 Kant on the reality of the “material of duty in the form of sense” in Fichte

Faber Stapulensis (Lefevre of Etaples)
Faith the reformers’ view of
 Deistic view of
 Kant on
 Kant on moral or practical
 Paulsen on practical See also Deism
Faith and Reason, the relation of, in modern philosophy
 Bayle on
 Locke on
 Deistic view of in Rousseau
 Leibnitz on
 Lessing on
 Baader on
 Schleiermacher on See also Deism
Faith Philosophy, the of Hamann of Herder of Jacobi elements of, in J.F.  Fries
Falckenberg, R. works by
Farrer, J.A. 
Fechner, G.T. system of
Fechner, H.A. 
Feder, J.G.H. 
Feeling the basis of knowledge in Pascal the central

Project Gutenberg
History of Modern Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.