History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.

History of Modern Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 841 pages of information about History of Modern Philosophy.
metaphysical questions are forced into the background and there is a growing distrust of the reliability of inner observation.  The philosophy of religion is favored with undiminished interest and aesthetics, after long neglect, with a renewal of attention; the philosophy of history is about to reconquer its former rights.  There is, moreover, an especially lively interest in ethics; and the investigation of the history of philosophy is more widely extended than ever before.  We will close our sketch with a short survey of the particular disciplines.

In the department of logic the following should be mentioned as classical achievements:  the works of Christoph Sigwart of Tuebingen (vol. i. 1873, 2d ed., 1889; vol. ii. 1878), of Lotze (p. 605), and of Wundt (vol. i. Erkenntnisslehre, 1880; vol. ii. Methodenlehre, 1883).  Besides these, Bergmann (p. 620), Schuppe (p. 619), and Benno Erdmann (Logik, vol. i. 1892) deserve notice.

In psychology the following writers have made themselves prominent:  Wilhelm Wundt at Leipsic (born 1832), Grundzuege der physiologischen Psychologie, 1874, 3d ed., 1887; A. Horwicz, Psychologische Analysen auf physiologischer Grundlage, 1872 seq.; Franz Brentano in Vienna (born 1838), Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte, vol. i. 1874; Carl Stumpf of Munich (born 1848), Ueber den psychologischen Ursprung der Raumvorstellung, 1873, Tonpsychologie, vol. i. 1883, vol. ii. 1890; Theodor Lipps of Breslau (born 1851), Grundthatsachen des Seelenlebens, 1883.  The following may be mentioned in the same connection:  J.H.  Witte, Das Wesen der Seele, 1888; H. Muensterberg, Die Willenshandlung, 1888, Beitraege zur experimentellen Psychologie, 1889 seq,; Goswin K. Uphues at Halle, Wahrnehmung und Empfindung, 1888, Ueber die Erinnerung, 1889; H. Schmidkunz, Psychologie der Suggestion, 1892; H. Ebbinghaus, the co-editor of the Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie una Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 1890 seq.; H. Spitta; Max Dessoir, Der Hautsinn, in the Archiv fuer Anatomie una Physiologie, 1892.  The following works are psychological contributions to the theory of knowledge:  E.L.  Fischer, Theorie der Gesichtswahrnehmung, 1891; Hermann Schwarz, Das Wahrnehmungsproblem, 1892.  Finally we may add A. Dorner in Koenigsberg, Das menschliche Erkennen, 1887; and E.L.  Fischer, Die Grundfragen der Erkenntnisstheorie, 1887.

The literature of moral philosophy has been substantially enriched by Wundt, Ethik, 1886, 2d ed., 1892; and Friedrich Paulsen, System der Ethik, 1889, 2d ed., 1891.  We may mention, further, Baumann (p. 601); Schuppe, Grundzuege der Ethik und Rechtsphilosophie, 1882; Witte, Freiheit des Willens, 1882; G. Class in Erlangen, Ideale und Gueter, 1886; Richard Wallaschek, Ideen zur praktischen Philosophic, 1886; F. Toennies in Kiel, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, 1887; A. Doering, Philosophische Gueterlehre, 1888; Th.  Ziegler, Sittliches Sein und Werden, 2d ed., 1890; G. Simmel, Einleitung in die Moralwissenschaft, vol. i. 1892.

Project Gutenberg
History of Modern Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.