The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 784 pages of information about The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4.

The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 784 pages of information about The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4.

In that man were combined genius, method, memory, literature, prudence, deliberation, and industry.  He had performed exploits in war which, though calamitous for the republic, were nevertheless mighty deeds.  Having for many years aimed at being a king, he had with great labour, and much personal danger, accomplished what he intended.  He had conciliated the ignorant multitude by presents, by monuments, by largesses of food, and by banquets, he had bound his own party to him by rewards, his adversaries by the appearances of clemency.  Why need I say much on such a subject?  He had already brought a free city, partly by fear, partly by patience, into a habit of slavery.

XLVI.  With him I can, indeed, compare you as to your desire to reign, but in all other respects you are in no degree to be compared to him.  But from the many evils which by him have been burnt into the republic, there is still this good, that the Roman people has now learnt how much to believe every one, to whom to trust itself, and against whom to guard.  Do you never think on these things?  And do you not understand that it is enough for brave men to have learnt how noble a thing it is as to the act, how grateful it is as to the benefit done, how glorious as to the fame acquired, to slay a tyrant?  When men could not bear him, do you think they will bear you?  Believe me, the time will come when men will race with one another to do this deed, and when no one will wait for the tardy arrival of an opportunity.

Consider, I beg you, Marcus Antonius, do some time or other consider the republic:  think of the family of which you are born, not of the men with whom you are living.  Be reconciled to the republic.  However, do you decide on your conduct.  As to mine, I myself will declare what that shall be.  I defended the republic as a young man, I will not abandon it now that I am old.  I scorned the sword of Catiline, I will not quail before yours.  No, I will rather cheerfully expose my own person, if the liberty of the city can be restored by my death.

May the indignation of the Roman people at last bring forth what it has been so long labouring with.  In truth, if twenty years ago in this very temple I asserted that death could not come prematurely upon a man of consular rank, with how much more truth must I now say the same of an old man?  To me, indeed, O conscript fathers, death is now even desirable, after all the honours which I have gained, and the deeds which I have done.  I only pray for these two things:  one, that dying I may leave the Roman people free.  No greater boon than this can be granted me by the immortal gods.  The other, that every one may meet with a fate suitable to his deserts and conduct towards the republic.



Project Gutenberg
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.