It is difficult to know where to begin when so much claims attention. Perhaps the class of foods which have come most largely into the public eye of late years are the so-called
Breakfast Foods,
consisting generally of cereals, pro-digested or so treated as to be easy of digestion. Several of these, such as Shredded Wheat Biscuits, have been frequently referred to in different parts of the book, so that no further words are needed to commend them. If any are sceptical, or even curious, regarding “what they are,” a demonstration recently described by a Manchester friend might serve to reassure them. It was quite on the American “pig and sausage” lines, for one saw the whole wheat grain going in at one part of a machine and coming out at another in the form of a “Triscuit” ready for use.
Among other specially good foods are
Granose Flakes.
These consist of the entire wheat-kernel in the form of delicious, crisp flakes, ready for use, with cream, stewed fruit, &c., or in any way in which bread crumbs may be used. They are very handy to have in the general storeroom to sprinkle over cauliflower or any dish served au gratin. That they are at once nutritious and easily digested is attested by the fact that physicians of high standing put their patients on a diet of “Granose.” I have known personally of cases of extreme gastric debility where the patients were put on this food almost exclusively for months together.
They may also be had in the form of
Granose Biscuits,
and these are excellent for general use. Toasted for a few minutes and then buttered—or the butter may be put on while toasting—they furnish a delicacy which few will fail to appreciate.
Avenola, Toasted Wheat Flakes, Nut Rolls, and Gluten Meal, containing 30 per cent. to 60 per cent. Gluten, are among the other products of the same firm—the International Health Association, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts—which I have space here only to name.
In the chapter on Breakfast Foods and elsewhere the various products of the London Nut Food Co., 465 Battersea Park Road, London, S.W.—Grain Granules, Gluten Meal, &c., are mentioned, besides which they have a great variety of
Nut Cream Rolls and Nut Cream Biscuits,