Tomato Sauce.
Peel and chop up 1/2 lb. tomatoes, or take a cupful tomato pulp. In a saucepan melt 1 oz. butter and add a little grated onion and the tomatoes. Simmer till cooked. Stir in a little flour or cornflour, and when that is cooked rub through a sieve. A little ketchup or lemon juice may be added to taste.
Mayonnaise Sauce.
Put the yolk of an egg in a basin and mix in a teaspoonful mustard and 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls salad oil, by a few drops at a time, beating all the while with a fork. Add the juice of a lemon, a little Tarragon vinegar and castor sugar, pinch cayenne, and if liked, the white of egg beat stiff, or a little cream at the last.
Mint Sauce.
Melt 1 tablespoonful castor sugar in a gill boiling water. When cold add same quantity vinegar, then 3 or 4 tablespoons freshly pulled mint, chopped small.
Curry Sauce.
Add 2 teaspoonfuls curry powder or paste and a little
chutney to 1/2 pint
Brown Sauce or Piquant Sauce.
Bread Sauce.
Put a teacupful fine crumbs in a basin, add a tablespoonful grated onion, and pour over 2 cupfuls white stock or milk and water. Let stand for a little with plate over, then cook gently till quite smooth. Add seasoning of white pepper, ketchup, mace, &c., and if wished very smooth add a yolk of egg or a little cream, and rub through a coarse sieve.
Sweet White Sauce.
To 1/2 pint melted butter add 2 ozs. sugar and a little of any flavouring preferred. A yolk of egg beat up is an improvement.
Cocoanut Sauce.
To above sweet white sauce add when cooking, 2 ozs. cocoanut cream. Stir till dissolved. A little dessicated cocoanut will do, but the cream is much handier and nicer, as one has the rich cocoanut flavour without the tough fibre.
Almond Sauce.
1/4 lb. fresh butter or 3 ozs. almond butter, 2 ozs. sifted sugar, 1 oz. almond meal, or same of almonds blanched and chopped, 2 tablespoons water, 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice.
Beat butter and sugar to a cream. (It should be quite light and frothy.) Add water and lemon juice by a drop or two at a time while beating. It should look like clotted cream. Sprinkle the almonds over. Excellent with pudding or stewed fruit.
Lemon Sauce.
Make a teaspoonful cornflour smooth in saucepan with a little cold water. Add a gill of boiling water, juice of a lemon, and 2 ozs. sugar. Let boil a minute or two. If flavour of rind is liked, grate that in. Add a little Carmine to colour.
Apple Sauce.
Pare, core and mince 4 to 6 apples. Stew in jar with moist sugar and a few cloves or bit of lemon rind. Remove the latter before sending to table.
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