Take a small teacupful lentils, haricots, or butter peas, and rub through a sieve. Cook 2 ozs. flaked rice or semolina in a teacupful boiling stock for about 10 minutes, stirring all the while, and then 1/2 lb. or more of tomatoes sliced and cut small, dessertspoonful grated onion, some finely shred cooked carrot or beetroot, and seasoning. Add the lentils to this and mix thoroughly. Cook for a minute or so, remove from the fire, and mix in 2 finely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Press into a glass dish. It may be covered with glaze when turned out, or decorated with aspic jelly.
Tomatoes and Mushrooms,
gently baked or steamed together, with butter and seasoning, are also very good as a cold savoury for sandwiches; &c. If rather moist add a little cooked rice, mashed potato, or fine crumbs. Pound together, pass through a sieve if wished very smooth, and pot as above.
A good filling for sandwiches is to be found in any of the “potted meats” given in the foregoing section. Amongst others are
Egg Sandwiches.
These are usually made with finely chopped hard-boiled eggs. The latter alone may be used, or a little relish of some sort may be added—ketchup, tomato pulp, or chutney. Mix all to a smooth paste before using, and spread very evenly.
Egg Sandwiches (2).
Another very good way is to beat up the eggs a little, add seasoning, &c., put a bit of butter in saucepan, pour in the eggs, and cook gently till set. Stir all the time. Use when cold.
Water-Cress, Mustard-and-Cress,
and all salad vegetables are suitable for sandwiches. Most people will prefer them simply with bread and butter, so that the individual flavour may be appreciated. If any, such as lettuce or endive, are considered rather insipid, a little relish may be added as above. A tasty and novel flavour is obtained by spreading a very little Marmite Extract on the bread and butter before adding the filling proper.
Tomato Cheese Sandwiches
are among the best. The filling may be either the Tomato Paste given under Potted Savouries, or the mixture given for Scotch Woodcock or Mock Crab.
It may seem rather supererogatory to speak of “Vegetables” distinctively, for the “unregenorate” will be inclined to declare that we have been discussing nothing else all the while. But for the benefit of such as are like the advertised domestic “willing to learn,” I would say that vegetarians as a rule use fresh vegetables practically in the same way as meat eaters do, to supplement more substantial viands. No one—to my knowledge at least—ever dines off the proverbial cabbage or turnip—perhaps it would be better if they did now and then—but, that by the way. But there are vegetables and vegetables. No one who has gone in for the most elementary food