Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

Scotch Broth.

For this wash well a cupful good fresh pot barley, bring to boil in plenty of water, pour that off and put on with clean cold water.  Simmer for 2 hours and then add a selection of vegetables given for Hotch-Potch.

Mock Cock-a-Leekie

or Leek Soup (maigre) is an excellent winter soup.  Take a dozen or more crisp fat leeks—­flabby, tough ones are no use—­trim away all coarse pieces, chop up the tender green quite small and simmer in covered pan with a little butter.  Add to quantity required of either white stock or plain white soup, which should be boiling.  Shred down the white of the leeks, fry in a little more butter, and add twenty minutes later.  Cook till quite tender.  If stock is used, some well-washed rice should be added about 30 minutes before serving.  If white soup is prepared, it is best to cook the leeks thoroughly before adding, then merely bring to boil and serve.

Green Pea Soup.

This is a delicious summer soup.  Have a clear stock made with fresh green vegetables, such as lettuce, green onions, spinach, bunch parsley, sprig mint, &c., the shells wiped clean and about half of the peas—­about 2 lbs. will be needed—­reserving the finest.  Rub through a sieve, return to saucepan and bring to boil.  Add remainder of peas, boil 15 minutes, and pour into tureen over an ounce or so of butter.  Some may prefer cream in place of butter, in which case add just before serving, and do not allow to boil up.

Mock Hare Soup.

Prepare a rich well-flavoured brown stock, rubbing through the greater part of the German lentils, &c., to make it of a thick creamy consistency.  The flavour will be best if such vegetables as carrot and onion are sliced and fried brown before boiling.  Toast two tablespoonfuls oatmeal and one of flour to a light brown, mix with it a teaspoonful ground Jamaica pepper and smooth with a little cold water.  Add to the boiling soup and stir till it boils up again.  Mushroom ketchup, a few fried mushrooms, some piquant sauce, “Extract,” &c., &c., may be added or not at discretion.

German Lentil Soup.

Scald 1/2 lb.  German lentils for a minute in boiling water, drain and put on with quantity of boiling water required.  Fry some onions, celery, and tomatoes—­if to be had—­in a little butter till brown, and add.  Simmer about 2 hours, and rub through a sieve.  Add a little ground rice, cornflour, &c., to keep the pulp from settling to the bottom.  A little milk or cream or ketchup may be added if liked.

Butter Peas Soup.

Cook butter peas as for stew, [Footnote:  See page 35. [Butter Peas or “Midget” Butter Bean, below]] pulp through a sieve and add to quantity of liquid required, which may be white stock or milk and water, and should be boiling.  Add a small white cauliflower, cut in tiny sprigs (or any tender fresh vegetables cut small and parboiled separately).  Simmer till cauliflower is just cooked, add some chopped parsley, and serve.

Project Gutenberg
Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.