What letter is it like? It is like the letter I.
Now put another line across the top T.
What letter is that like? It is like T.
Now draw two lines thus L.
Now another two lines, thus V, and thus X.
Now three lines, thus N, now thus H, now F,
Now like this K, now A, now Y, now Z,
Now draw four lines, thus W, now M, now E,
Now make a ring O—like Mama’s ring,
Now make a line I, add half a ring to it D.
Now make this P, now this B, now this R,
Now C, now G, now Q, now S, now U.
Here are all the large letters of the Alphabet.
**(bold these into a larger sans-serif script, heavy)**
* * * * *
one six eleven fifty two seven twelve sixty three eight twenty seventy four nine thirty eighty five ten forty ninety
How many stars are here * * *
How many here * * * * * * * *
There are twenty-four hours in a day.
There are seven days in a week.
There are four weeks in a month.
There are twelve months in a year.
These are the seven days,—Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday.
These are the twelve months,—January, when it is often very cold; February, when it is dull and dirty; March, when the winds blow; April, when the flowers begin to come; May, when the trees are in bloom; June, when the hay is made: July, when it is so hot; August, when it is harvest time; September, when apples are ripe; October, when the farmers brew their best beer; November, when London is covered with fog; and December, when Christmas comes.
* * * * *
[Illustration: Here is a House close to a Country Church.] [Illustration: The Barn stands behind the road-side Inn.] [Illustration: This is a Water-mill, and this is a Wind-mill.] [Illustration: Betty is in the Dairy, and Robert is beating a Walnut-tree.] [Illustration: A rustic Bridge, close by some Men making a Hay-stack.] [Illustration: A Pigeon-house.] [Illustration: A Man lighting a Gas-lamp.]
[Illustration: A Man Ploughing.] [Illustration: A Farmer sowing Seed.] [Illustration: Two Men Reaping.] [Illustration: A Man thrashing Corn.] [Illustration: Men and Women making Hay.] [Illustration: Two Girls Gleaning.] [Illustration: Betty milks the Cows, while John cuts down trees.] [Illustration: Women picking Hops.] [Illustration: Cows drinking Water.] [Illustration: They wash Sheep before they cut off their Wool.]