Midnight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about Midnight.

Midnight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about Midnight.

Thus far he had refused to allow himself to be worried by the strangest feature of the case—­the appearance of the dead body in a taxicab which, according to its driver’s story, could not have been other than empty.  It was always easy to explain the disappearance of a person from an automobile; but, he figured, it was patently impossible to enter one without the driver’s knowledge.

He reached headquarters and closeted himself with Leverage.  They plunged at once into a discussion of that phase of the case.

“There are only two things which could have happened,” said the chief of police slowly.  “One is that some one croaked that bird Warren and shoved him into the cab while the woman was ridin’ in it.  The other is that he slipped into the cab and she killed him.  While I ain’t jumpin’ on no set ideas, I have a hunch that the last one is right.”


“Because the other—­that idea of puttin’ a dead body into a cab without the driver knowing it—­it just naturally ain’t possible.”

“Then you are quite convinced, Leverage, that Walters did not know anything about it?”

“Now, say, Carroll, that’s putting it up to me rather strong; but since you’re asking, I’m here to say that I believe the kid.  Of course it’s possible that he was in on the deal—­but I’m betting Liberty bonds against Russian rubles that he’d have slipped somewhere if that had been the case.  Nobody that’s in on a murder deal is going to frame a lie that sticks his bean as close to a noose as Walter’s would be if he’s not tellin’ the truth!”

“Sounds reasonable; and yet—­”

“I’m surprised at you suspectin’ the kid.”

“I don’t suspect him.”

“But you said—­”

“We can’t overlook anything—­that’s what I said.  It’s what I was driving at, anyway.  So far, Walters is the only tangible clue we’ve had to work with.  As I told you, the Hazel Gresham trail died a-borning.  The kid who came to see me this morning cleared her; and then her brother came along right afterward, red-hot over the insinuations against his sister in the papers.  As matters stand now, there’s nothing to tie to but Spike Walters.”

“I’m glad you’re handling it,” said Leverage fervently.  “And as you are, I’m making so bold as to ask what you’re going to do next?”

“A little general inquiring.  You can help me on that.  For one thing, I want to get hold of every bit of dope I can regarding Warren—­who he was, where he came from, what he did, the size of his bank deposits, his business connections, his social life, and especially every morsel of gossip that’s ever been circulated about him in connection with women.”

“H-m!  You think this dame was a society sort?”

“Probably.  He was undoubtedly going away with her; and a man of his stamp doesn’t often elope with a woman of the other type.”

“True enough!  Well, I’ll get you what dope I can.”

Project Gutenberg
Midnight from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.