A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 403 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 403 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

These acts of Congress, it is believed, have, with very rare and insignificant exceptions, accomplished their purpose.  For a period of more than half a century there has been no perceptible addition to the number of our domestic slaves.  During this period their advancement in civilization has far surpassed that of any other portion of the African race.  The light and the blessings of Christianity have been extended to them, and both their moral and physical condition has been greatly improved.

Reopen the trade and it would be difficult to determine whether the effect would be more deleterious on the interests of the master or on those of the native-born slave.  Of the evils to the master, the one most to be dreaded would be the introduction of wild, heathen, and ignorant barbarians among the sober, orderly, and quiet slaves whose ancestors have been on the soil for several generations.  This might tend to barbarize, demoralize, and exasperate the whole mass and produce most deplorable consequences.

The effect upon the existing slave would, if possible, be still more deplorable.  At present he is treated with kindness and humanity.  He is well fed, well clothed, and not overworked.  His condition is incomparably better than that of the coolies which modern nations of high civilization have employed as a substitute for African slaves.  Both the philanthropy and the self-interest of the master have combined to produce this humane result.  But let this trade be reopened and what will be the effect?  The same to a considerable extent as on a neighboring island, the only spot now on earth where the African slave trade is openly tolerated, and this in defiance of solemn treaties with a power abundantly able at any moment to enforce their execution.  There the master, intent upon present gain, extorts from the slave as much labor as his physical powers are capable of enduring, knowing that when death comes to his relief his place can be supplied at a price reduced to the lowest point by the competition of rival African slave traders.  Should this ever be the case in our country, which I do not deem possible, the present useful character of the domestic institution, wherein those too old and too young to work are provided for with care and humanity and those capable of labor are not overtasked, would undergo an unfortunate change.  The feeling of reciprocal dependence and attachment which now exists between master and slave would be converted into mutual distrust and hostility.

But we are obliged as a Christian and moral nation to consider what would be the effect upon unhappy Africa itself if we should reopen the slave trade.  This would give the trade an impulse and extension which it has never had, even in its palmiest days.  The numerous victims required to supply it would convert the whole slave coast into a perfect pandemonium, for which this country would be held responsible in the eyes both of God and man.  Its petty tribes would then be constantly engaged in predatory wars against each other for the purpose of seizing slaves to supply the American market.  All hopes of African civilization would thus be ended.

Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.