telegraph, 442
death, 482
Woodbury, Levi, and telegraph, 2, 71, 187, 244
Woods, Leonard, and Civil War, 2, 416
Woolsey, Mary A., engagement, 1, 112
Woolsey. T.D., and M. in Italy (1830), 1, 338
from M. (1854) on contribution to Yale, 2, 321
Wright, C.C., and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280
Wright, Silas, and telegraph, 2, 187, 199
refuses vice-presidential nomination over telegraph, 226
Wuerttemberg, medal for M., 2, 393
Wyatt, Richard, gift to Academy of Design, 1, 384
Wynne, James, anecdotes of Coleridge and Abernethy, 1, 96-99
death, 482
Woodbury, Levi, and telegraph, 2, 71, 187, 244
Woods, Leonard, and Civil War, 2, 416
Woolsey, Mary A., engagement, 1, 112
Woolsey. T.D., and M. in Italy (1830), 1, 338
from M. (1854) on contribution to Yale, 2, 321
Wright, C.C., and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280
Wright, Silas, and telegraph, 2, 187, 199
refuses vice-presidential nomination over telegraph, 226
Wuerttemberg, medal for M., 2, 393
Wyatt, Richard, gift to Academy of Design, 1, 384
Wynne, James, anecdotes of Coleridge and Abernethy, 1, 96-99
Yale College, M. at, 1, 10-23
student’s routine (1807), 15
M.’s incidental expenses, 17
“appointments,” 26
M.’s gift (1822), 242
(1854), 2, 321
daguerreotype of 30th anniversary of Class
of 1810, 146
LL.D. for M., 258
M. refuses to attend class reunion (1865),
Yates, J.C., and M., 1, 247
Young, McClintock, and telegraph, 2, 227
Zantzinger, L.F., telegraph operator, 2, 480