Wells, William, to M. (1793) on money, 1, 2
West, Benjamin, interest in M., 1, 42, 44, 46, 47, 62, 73, 85, 102, 103,
114, 179
anecdote of George III and Declaration of Independence, 42, 43
Christ healing the Sick, 44
Christ before Pilate, 44, 47
activity and powers in old age, 44
M. on, as artist, 63, 68, 69
on Philadelphia as art centre, 73
gout, 85
West. W.E., and M., 1, 309
Western, Mass., tavern (1805), 1, 9
Western Union Telegraph Company, passes a dividend (1867), 2, 460
“What hath God wrought” message, 2, 222
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, and relay, 2, 42
telegraph, 50
M. on telegraph and his own, 90, 92, 93, 100-102, 242
opposes patent to M., 93
progress of telegraph, 150
proposition to M. rejected. 158
gets American patent, 166
Henry on telegraph, 171, 173
and ground circuit, 243, 250
telegraph displaced by M.’s, 313, 350
Wheeler, ——, return to America (1812), 1, 80
Wheeler, F.B., on M.’s character, 2, 493
at M.’s funeral, 511
at memorial services, 516
Whig Convention (1844), report by telegraph, 2, 220
White, Chandler, and Atlantic cable, 2, 343
Whitehouse, E.O.W., experiments for Atlantic cable, 2, 348, 366
and laying of first cable, 377
log, 378
Whitney. Eli, and M.’s pump, 1, 211
Wilberforce, William, and M., 1, 89, 94
and War of 1812, 90
and slave-trade, 135
character, 140
and final overthrow of Napoleon, 185
Willard, J.S., death, 1, 8
William Joliffe, Channel steamer (1845), 2, 250
Williams, H.I., from M. (1847) on law suits, 2, 272
Willington, R.S., from M. (1835) on Catholic plot, 2, 35
Wilson, D.W., and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280
Wilson, J.L., and Civil War, 2, 416
Windsor, Vt., M. at and on (1816), 1, 207, 208
Winslow, Hubbard, and Civil War, 2, 416
Wire, M. and underground, 2, 121
experiment with submarine, 183
duplex telegraphy, 185, 187
failure of underground, for experimental line, 205, 209-211, 214, 216
insulation for experimental line, 208, 209, 215
use of naked, 208
overhead, for experimental line, 210, 215
use of ground circuit, 221, 367, 470
Wireless telegraphy, M.’s experiment, 2, 186, 187, 242, 243
Wiseman, N.P.S., meets M., 1, 377
Women, M. on appearance of English, 1, 35
Wood, Fernando, and memorial services for M., 2, 513, 515
Wood, George, to M. (1849) on harassments, 2, 303;
and extension of patent, letter to M. (1854), 324, 325
to M. (1865) on slavery argument, 432
from M. (1864) on divine hand in progress of telegraph, 435
on wayward sons, enigma of wealth, 436
(1866) on benevolent uses of wealth from
Wells, William, to M. (1793) on money, 1, 2
West, Benjamin, interest in M., 1, 42, 44, 46, 47, 62, 73, 85, 102, 103,
114, 179
anecdote of George III and Declaration of Independence, 42, 43
Christ healing the Sick, 44
Christ before Pilate, 44, 47
activity and powers in old age, 44
M. on, as artist, 63, 68, 69
on Philadelphia as art centre, 73
gout, 85
West. W.E., and M., 1, 309
Western, Mass., tavern (1805), 1, 9
Western Union Telegraph Company, passes a dividend (1867), 2, 460
“What hath God wrought” message, 2, 222
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, and relay, 2, 42
telegraph, 50
M. on telegraph and his own, 90, 92, 93, 100-102, 242
opposes patent to M., 93
progress of telegraph, 150
proposition to M. rejected. 158
gets American patent, 166
Henry on telegraph, 171, 173
and ground circuit, 243, 250
telegraph displaced by M.’s, 313, 350
Wheeler, ——, return to America (1812), 1, 80
Wheeler, F.B., on M.’s character, 2, 493
at M.’s funeral, 511
at memorial services, 516
Whig Convention (1844), report by telegraph, 2, 220
White, Chandler, and Atlantic cable, 2, 343
Whitehouse, E.O.W., experiments for Atlantic cable, 2, 348, 366
and laying of first cable, 377
log, 378
Whitney. Eli, and M.’s pump, 1, 211
Wilberforce, William, and M., 1, 89, 94
and War of 1812, 90
and slave-trade, 135
character, 140
and final overthrow of Napoleon, 185
Willard, J.S., death, 1, 8
William Joliffe, Channel steamer (1845), 2, 250
Williams, H.I., from M. (1847) on law suits, 2, 272
Willington, R.S., from M. (1835) on Catholic plot, 2, 35
Wilson, D.W., and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280
Wilson, J.L., and Civil War, 2, 416
Windsor, Vt., M. at and on (1816), 1, 207, 208
Winslow, Hubbard, and Civil War, 2, 416
Wire, M. and underground, 2, 121
experiment with submarine, 183
duplex telegraphy, 185, 187
failure of underground, for experimental line, 205, 209-211, 214, 216
insulation for experimental line, 208, 209, 215
use of naked, 208
overhead, for experimental line, 210, 215
use of ground circuit, 221, 367, 470
Wireless telegraphy, M.’s experiment, 2, 186, 187, 242, 243
Wiseman, N.P.S., meets M., 1, 377
Women, M. on appearance of English, 1, 35
Wood, Fernando, and memorial services for M., 2, 513, 515
Wood, George, to M. (1849) on harassments, 2, 303;
and extension of patent, letter to M. (1854), 324, 325
to M. (1865) on slavery argument, 432
from M. (1864) on divine hand in progress of telegraph, 435
on wayward sons, enigma of wealth, 436
(1866) on benevolent uses of wealth from