Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 588 pages of information about Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals.

Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 588 pages of information about Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals.
Field, M.D., and telegraph, 2, 342
Finley, J.E.B., and War of 1812, 1, 183
  and M. at Charleston, 214, 220
  to M. (1818) on portraits, 216
  death, 225
Finley, Samuel, 1, 2
Fire-alarm, M.’s invention embodying principle, 2, 132
Fish, Hamilton, at early exhibition of telegraph, 2, 48
  banquet to M., 467
Fisher, ——­, artist at Charleston (1819), 1, 221
Fisher, J.C., and duplex telegraphy, 2, 185, 187
  M.’s assistant at Washington, 186, 196
  and construction of experimental line, dismissed, 204, 205, 210-213,
Fisher, J.F., return to America (1832), 2, 3
  on conception of telegraph, 11
Fleas, M. on Porto Rican, 2, 406
Fleischmann, C.T., on Europe and M.’s telegraph (1845), 2, 254
Florence, M.’s journey to, during revolt (1831), 1, 385
  M. at, 386, 390
Flower feast at Genzano, 1, 354-359
Forsyth, Dr. ——­, American Asiatic Company, 2, 444
Foss, ——­, and F.O.J.  Smith, 2, 319
Fourth of July, dual celebration at Charlestown (1805), 1, 7
  dinner at Paris (1832), 423-425
Foy, Alphonse, and M.’s telegraph, 2, 105, 109, 255
France, M. on attitude of Americans (1812), 1, 90, 91
  M. on first landing in (1829), 314
  on Sunday in, 318, 322
  cold (1830), 317, 320
  winter Journey across, by diligence, 318-326
  funeral, 321, 322
  M. on social manners, 348
  quarantine (1831), M. avoids it, 402-405
  Lafayette on results of Revolution of 1830, 430
  patent to M., 2, 103
  M.’s exhibitions and projects (1838), 104-134
  renewed interest in M.’s telegraph, 240, 243, 244, 255, 256, 313, 351
  M. on people, 256
  testimonials to M., 392
  See also Napoleonic Wars, Paris. 
Francesco Caracoiolo, St., M. on feast, 1, 352
Franklin, Benjamin, name coupled with M.’s, 2, 236, 237, 346, 469
  M. unveils statue, 505
Franklin Institute, exhibition of telegraph, 2, 80
Fraser, Charles, artist at Charleston (1819), 1, 221
Frasee, John, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280
Frederick VII of Denmark, and M., 1, 373, 2, 353
Frederick III of Germany, battle of Koeniggraetz, 2, 463
Frederick William III of Prussia, at London (1814), 1, 146
Fredrick Carl, Prince, battle of Koeniggraetz, 2, 463
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, nomination for Vice-Presidency announced over
    telegraph, 2, 219
Fremel, ——­, and M.’s telegraph, 2, 111
French, B.B., telegraph company, 2, 247
French Academy of Science. See Institute of France. 
Frischen ,——­, and duplex telegraphy, 2, 187
Fry, ——­, and telegraph company (1844), 2, 236
Fulton, Robert, and art, 2, 471
Fulton, transatlantic steamer (1856), 2, 386
Funeral, M. on French, 1, 321, 322
  on lying in state of cardinal, 344
  on Roman, 350
  on Italian, 366, 367
  of M., 2, 311, 312
Fuseli, J.H., and M., 1, 179

Project Gutenberg
Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.