Letters of a Traveller eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Letters of a Traveller.
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Letters of a Traveller eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Letters of a Traveller.

“They inhabit,” he said, “the swamps of mountain-laurel thickets, through which a man would find it almost impossible to make his way.  The laurel-bushes, and the hemlocks scattered among them, intercept the snow as it falls, and form a thick roof, under the shelter of which, near some pool or rivulet, the animals remain until spring opens, as snugly protected from the severity of the weather as sheep under the sheds of a farm-yard.  Here they feed upon the leaves of the laurel and other evergreens.  It is contrary to the law to kill them after the Christmas holidays, but sometimes their retreat is invaded, and a deer or two killed; their flesh, however, is not wholesome, on account of the laurel leaves on which they feed, and their skin is nearly worthless.”

I expressed my surprise that the leaves of the mountain laurel, the kalmia latifolia, which are so deadly to sheep, should be the winter food of the deer.

“It is because the deer has no gall,” answered the man, “that the pison don’t take effect.  But their meat will not do to eat, except in a small quantity, and cooked with pork, which I think helps take the pison out of it.”

“The deer,” he went on to say, “are now passing out of the blue into the gray.  After the holidays, when their hair becomes long, and their winter coat is quite grown, their hide is soft and tender, and tears easily when dressed, and it would be folly to kill them, even if there were no law against it.”  He went on to find a parallel to the case of the deer-skins in the hides of neat-cattle, which, when brought from a hot country, like South America, are firmer and tougher than when obtained in a colder climate like ours.

The Wyoming traveller gave a bad account of the health, just at present, of the beautiful valley in which he lived.  “We have never before,” said he, “known what it was to have the fever and ague among us, but now it is very common, as well as other fevers.  The season has neither been uncommonly wet nor uncommonly dry, but it has been uncommonly hot.”  I heard the same account of various other districts in Pennsylvania.  Mifflin county, for example, was sickly this season, as well as other parts of the state which, hitherto have been almost uniformly healthy.  Here, however, in Stroudsburg and its neighborhood, they boasted that the fever and ague had never yet made its appearance.

I was glad to hear a good account of the pecuniary circumstances of the Pennsylvania farmers.  They got in debt like every body else during the prosperous years of 1835 and 1836, and have been ever since working themselves gradually out of it.  “I have never,” said an intelligent gentleman of Stroudsburg, “known the owners of the farms so free from debt, and so generally easy and prosperous in their condition, as at this moment.”  It is to be hoped that having been so successful in paying their private debts, they will now try what can be done with the debt of the state.

Project Gutenberg
Letters of a Traveller from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.