The Spectator, Volume 2. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,123 pages of information about The Spectator, Volume 2..

The Spectator, Volume 2. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,123 pages of information about The Spectator, Volume 2..

My following Correspondent, who calls her self Clarinda, is such a Journalist as I require:  She seems by her Letter to be placed in a modish State of Indifference between Vice and Virtue, and to be susceptible of either, were there proper Pains taken with her.  Had her Journal been filled with Gallantries, or such Occurrences as had shewn her wholly divested of her natural Innocence, notwithstanding it might have been more pleasing to the Generality of Readers, I should not have published it; but as it is only the Picture of a Life filled with a fashionable kind of Gaiety and Laziness, I shall set down five Days of it, as I have received it from the Hand of my fair Correspondent.

Dear Mr. SPECTATOR, You having set your Readers an Exercise in one of your last Weeks Papers, I have perform’d mine according to your Orders, and herewith send it you enclosed.  You must know, Mr. SPECTATOR, that I am a Maiden Lady of a good Fortune, who have had several Matches offered me for these ten Years last past, and have at present warm Applications made to me by a very pretty Fellow.  As I am at my own Disposal, I come up to Town every Winter, and pass my Time in it after the manner you will find in the following Journal, which I begun to write upon the very Day after your Spectator upon that Subject.

    TUESDAY Night.  Could not go to sleep till one in the Morning for
    thinking of my Journal.

    WEDNESDAY.  From Eight till Ten, Drank two Dishes of Chocolate in
    Bed, and fell asleep after em.

    From Ten to Eleven.  Eat a Slice of Bread and Butter, drank a Dish of
    Bohea, read the Spectator.

    From Eleven to One.  At my Toilet, try’d a new Head.  Gave Orders for
    Veny to be combed and washed.  Mem.  I look best in Blue.

    From One till Half an Hour after Two.  Drove to the Change.  Cheapned
    a Couple of Fans.

    Till Four.  At Dinner.  Mem.  Mr. Froth passed by in his new Liveries.

    From Four to Six.  Dressed, paid a Visit to old Lady Blithe and her
    Sister, having before heard they were gone out of Town that Day.

    From Six to Eleven.  At Basset.  Mem.  Never set again upon the Ace of

    THURSDAY.  From Eleven at Night to Eight in the Morning.  Dream’d that
    I punted to Mr. Froth.

    From Eight to Ten.  Chocolate.  Read two Acts in Aurenzebe [2] abed.

    From Ten to Eleven.  Tea-Table.  Sent to borrow Lady Faddles Cupid
    for Veny.  Read the Play-Bills.  Received a Letter from Mr. Froth. 
    Mem. locked it up in my strong Box.

Rest of the Morning.  Fontange, the Tire-woman, her Account of my Lady Blithe’s Wash.  Broke a Tooth in my little Tortoise-shell Comb.  Sent Frank to know how my Lady Hectick rested after her Monky’s leaping out at Window.  Looked pale.  Fontange tells me my Glass is not true.  Dressed by Three.

    From Three to Four.  Dinner cold before I sat down.

Project Gutenberg
The Spectator, Volume 2. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.