A Catechism of the Steam Engine eBook

John Bourne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Catechism of the Steam Engine.

A Catechism of the Steam Engine eBook

John Bourne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Catechism of the Steam Engine.
Fenton, expansion valve by. 
Fire bars of locomotives. 
Fire box of locomotives, mode of staying. 
Fire box of modern locomotives. 
Fire engines, cost of running. 
Fire grate surface of boilers. 
Fire grate in locomotives should be of small area,
  coke proper to be burned per hour on each square foot of bars. 
Firing furnaces, proper mode of. 
Flaws in valves or cylinders, how to remedy. 
Float for regulating water level in boilers. 
Floats of paddle. 
Floats of paddle wheels, increased resistance of, if oblique,
  floats should be large. 
Fly wheel corrects unequal leverage of crank,
  proper energy for;
  Boulton and Watt’s rule for;
  bursting velocity of;
  description of;
  action of, in redressing irregularities of motion. 
Foot valve, description of,
  proper dimensions of. 
Foot valves might be made on Belidor’s plan,
  of india rubber. 
Frame at stern for holding screw propeller. 
Framing of locomotives. 
Framing of oscillating engine. 
Franklin Institute, experiments on steam by. 
French Academy, experiments on steam by. 
Friction, nature of,
  does not vary as the rubbing surfaces, but as the retaining pressure;
  does not increase with the velocity per unit of distance, but increases
    with the velocity per unit of time;
  measures of friction;
  effect of unguents;
  kind of unguent should vary with the pressure;
  Morin’s experiments;
  rule for determining proper surfaces of bearings;
  friction of rough surfaces. 
Friction of the water the main cause of the resistance of vessels of good
Fuel burnt on each square foot of fire bars in wagon, Cornish, and
    locomotive boilers,
  economy of, in steam vessels. 
Funnel casing. 
Funnel, what to do if carried away. 
Funnels of steam boats. See Chimneys. 
Furnaces, proper mode of firing,
  smoke burning:  Williams’s argand;
  Boulton and Watt’s dead plate;
  revolving crate;
  Hull’s, Coupland’s, Godson’s, Robinson’s, Stevens’s, Hazeldine’s,
Furnaces of marine boilers, proper length of. 
Furnace bridges, benefits of. 
Fusible metal plugs useless as antidotes to explosions.

Gauges, vacuum,
  gauge cocks and glass tubes for showing level of water in boiler,
    description of. 
Gauge cocks for showing level of water in boiler. 
Gearing for screw engines. 
Gibs and cutters, strengths proper for. 
Giffard’s injector. 
Glass tubes for showing water level in boilers. 
Glass tube cocks. 
Gonzeubach, expansion valve by. 
Gooch’s indicator. 
Gooch’s locomotive. 
Governor or conical pendulum,
  description of. 
Governor, Porter’s patent. 
Gravity, centre of. 
“Great Western,” boilers of, by Messrs. Maudslay. 

Project Gutenberg
A Catechism of the Steam Engine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.