Whig Against Tory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Whig Against Tory.

Whig Against Tory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Whig Against Tory.

“As they passed from the room, there lay the sentinel, extended at full length, dreaming of battles, it might be, but certainly, very quiet as to the safety of his prisoner.

“‘Some virtue in Miller’s opiates,’ whispered the girl.

“‘That’s the secret, is it?’ asked Crosby, in rather a louder tone than was pleasant to his attendant.

“‘Hush! hush!’ said she, ‘or the Philistines will be upon you.’”

Henry.  “Pray, father, what did she mean by Miller’s opiates?”

Gen. P.  “Miller was a physician in those parts, and kept an apothecary’s store.  By some means, the girl had obtained from him anodyne or sleeping potions, which she had put into the food, or drink, of both the captain and his sentinels.

“‘They sleep well,’ said Crosby, on descending from the chamber to the first floor, where he could hear the loud breathing of the captain.

“‘I hope they’ll sleep till morning,’ rejoined the girl.  ’Stay! a moment, till I put the key of your door into the captain’s pocket.’

“‘What?’ asked Crosby, ‘does he keep the key himself?’

“‘Yes, indeed,’ replied the girl.  ’He was determined that you should play no more yankee tricks, as he said, while under his care.’

“’He must have thought me a man of some contrivance, to take such precaution.’

“‘Oh!’ said the girl, ’I’ve often heard him call you the—­a bad name—­at least, he said he believed that you and the old boy understood one another pretty well.’

“‘I wonder what he’ll think now?’ said Crosby.

“The key being once more safely in the pocket of the Captain, the girl conducted Crosby out of the door, and pointing towards a mountain lying to the west, now but just discernible.

“‘Hasten thither,’ said she, ’and lie concealed till the coming search is over.’

“‘But tell me,’ said Crosby, ’before I go, how will you escape suspicion?’

“‘Oh!’ said the girl, laughing, ’never fear for me.  I shall be out of harm’s way before morning.’

“‘One more question,’ said Crosby—­’who put it into your heart to deliver me?’

“‘Jay is your friend,’ said she,—­waving her head—­’farewell.’

“To Crosby, the whole was now plain.  With a light heart, he directed his course towards the mountain pointed out; and before morning, he was safely hid in some of its secret recesses.

“Capt.  Townsend awoke at his usual hour, having slept away the anodyne potion which had been administered to him.  The key to Crosby’s door was still in his pocket—­and not a suspicion had ever entered his mind, that Crosby himself was not safely in his room.

“The hour at length coming, when Crosby’s meal was to be given, Townsend himself opened the door—­he started back, on looking in, and seeing no one—­’what!’ exclaimed he, ‘empty!—­impossible!—­here!’ vociferated he, in a tone of thunder, ’Sentinel, what is the meaning of all this?’ But no one could tell—­no noise had been heard—­the shutters of the room were safely closed—­the door was locked—­the key was in his pocket.

Project Gutenberg
Whig Against Tory from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.