Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

Probably Mr. James Pratt has devoted more time and attention to the Skye Terrier than any other now living fancier, though the names of Mr. Kidd and Mr. Todd are usually well known.  Mr. Pratt’s Skyes were allied to the type of terrier claiming to be the original Skye of the Highlands.  The head was not so large, the ears also were not so heavily feathered, as is the case in the Skye of to-day, and the colours were very varied, ranging from every tint between black and white.

In 1892 a great impetus was given to the breed by Mrs. Hughes, whose kennels at Wolverley were of overwhelmingly good quality.  Mrs. Hughes was quickly followed by such ardent and successful fanciers as Sir Claud and Lady Alexander, of Ballochmyle, Mrs. Freeman, Miss Bowyer Smyth, and Miss McCheane.  Lately other prominent exhibitors have forced their way into the front rank, among whom may be mentioned the Countess of Aberdeen, Mrs. Hugh Ripley, Mrs. Wilmer, Miss Whishaw, and Mrs. Sandwith.  Mrs. Hughes’ Wolverley Duchess and Wolverley Jock were excellent types of what a prick-eared Skye should be.  Excellent, too, were Mrs. Freeman’s Alister, and Sir Claud Alexander’s Young Rosebery, Olden Times, Abbess, and Wee Mac of Adel, Mrs. Wilmer’s Jean, and Mr. Millar’s Prince Donard.  But the superlative Skye of the period, and probably the best ever bred, is Wolverley Chummie, the winner of thirty championships which are but the public acknowledgment of his perfections.  He is the property of Miss McCheane, who is also the owner of an almost equally good specimen of the other sex in Fairfield Diamond.  Among the drop-eared Skyes of present celebrity may be mentioned Mrs. Hugh Ripley’s Perfection, Miss Whishaw’s Piper Grey, and Lady Aberdeen’s Cromar Kelpie.

There are two clubs in England and one in Scotland instituted to protect the interests of this breed, namely, the Skye Terrier Club of England, the Skye and Clydesdale Club, and the Skye Terrier Club of Scotland.  The Scottish Club’s description is as follows:—­

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HEAD—­Long, with powerful jaws and incisive teeth closing level, or upper just fitting over under. Skull:  wide at front of brow, narrowing between the ears, and tapering gradually towards the muzzle, with little falling in between or behind the eyes. Eyes:  hazel, medium size, close set. Muzzle:  always black.  EARS (PRICK OR PENDANT)—­When prick, not large, erect at outer edges, and slanting towards each other at inner, from peak to skull.  When pendant, larger, hanging straight, lying flat, and close at front.  BODY—­Pre-eminently long and low.  Shoulders broad, chest deep, ribs well sprung and oval shaped, giving a flattish appearance to the sides.  Hind-quarters and flank full and well developed.  Back level and slightly declining from the top of the hip joint to the shoulders.  The neck long and gently crested.  TAIL—­When hanging, the upper half perpendicular, the under half thrown

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Dogs and All about Them from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.