nose, which should be fairly wide, and should not
project forward beyond the upper jaw. The jaws
level and powerful, and teeth square or evenly met,
well set, and large for the size of the dog.
The nose and roof of mouth should be distinctly black
in colour. EARS—Small, carried erect
or semi-erect, but never drop, and should be carried
tightly up. The semi-erect ear should drop nicely
over at the tips, the break being about three-quarters
up the ear, and both forms of ears should terminate
in a sharp point. The hair on them should be
short, smooth (velvety), and they should not be cut.
The ears should be free from any fringe at the top.
Round, pointed, broad and large ears are very objectionable,
also ears too heavily covered with hair. NECK—Muscular,
and nicely set on sloping shoulders. CHEST—Very
deep, with breadth in proportion to the size of the
dog. BODY—Compact, straight back, ribs
deep and well arched in the upper half of rib, presenting
a flattish side appearance. Loins broad and strong.
Hind-quarters strong, muscular, and wide across the
top. LEGS AND FEET—Both fore and hind
legs should be short and muscular. The shoulder
blades should be comparatively broad, and well-sloped
backwards. The points of the shoulder blades should
be closely knit into the backbone, so that very little
movement of them should be noticeable when the dog
is walking. The elbow should be close in to the
body both when moving or standing, thus causing the
fore-leg to be well placed in under the shoulder.
The fore-legs should be straight and thickly covered
with short hard hair. The hind-legs should be
short and sinewy. The thighs very muscular and
not too wide apart. The hocks bent and well set
in under the body, so as to be fairly close to each
other either when standing, walking, or running (trotting);
and, when standing, the hind-legs, from the point of
the hock down to fetlock joint, should be straight
or perpendicular and not far apart. The fore-feet
are larger than the hind ones, are round, proportionate
in size, strong, thickly padded, and covered with short
hard hair. The foot must point straight forward.
The hind-feet are smaller, not quite as round as fore-feet,
and thickly padded. The under surface of the
pads of feet and all the nails should be distinctly
black in colour. Hocks too much bent (cow hocks)
detract from the general appearance. Straight
hocks are weak. Both kinds are undesirable, and
should be guarded against. TAIL—Six
or seven inches long, covered with hard hairs, no
feathers, as straight as possible; carried gaily,
but not curled over back. A long tail is objectionable.
MOVEMENT—Should be free, straight, and easy
all round. In front, the leg should be freely
extended forward by the shoulder. The hind movement
should be free, strong, and close. The hocks should
be freely flexed and drawn close in under the body,
so that, when moving off the foot, the body is thrown
or pushed forward with some force. Stiff, stilty
movement behind is very objectionable.