Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.
no one seems to have desired that it should be restored.  Red was acknowledged to be the one and only colour for an Irish Terrier.  But some held that the correct red should be deep auburn, and others that wheaten colour was the tone to be aimed at.  A medium shade between the two extremes is now generally preferred.  As to size, it should be about midway between that of the Airedale and the Fox-terrier, represented by a weight of from 22 to 27 lb.

The two breeds just mentioned are, as a rule, superior to the Irish Terrier in front legs, and feet, but in the direction of these points great improvements have recently been observable.  The heads of our Irish Terriers have also been brought nearer to a level of perfection, chiselled to the desired degree of leanness, with the determined expression so characteristic of the breed, and with the length, squareness, and strength of muzzle which formerly were so difficult to find.  This squareness of head and jaw is an important point to be considered when choosing an Irish Terrier.

Opinions differ in regard to slight details of this terrier’s conformation, but the official description, issued by the Irish Terrier Club, supplies a guide upon which the uncertain novice may implicitly depend:—­

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HEAD—­Long; skull flat, and rather narrow between ears, getting slightly narrower towards the eye; free from wrinkles; stop hardly visible except in profile.  The jaw must be strong and muscular, but not too full in the cheek, and of a good punishing length.  There should be a slight falling away below the eye, so as not to have a Greyhound appearance.  Hair on face of same description as on body, but short (about a quarter of an inch long), in appearance almost smooth and straight; a slight beard is the only longish hair (and it is only long in comparison with the rest) that is permissible, and this is characteristic.  TEETH—­Should be strong and level.  LIPS—­Not so tight as a Bull-terrier’s, but well-fitting, showing through the hair their black lining.  NOSE—­Must be black.  EYES—­A dark hazel colour, small, not prominent, and full of life, fire, and intelligence.  EARS—­Small and V-shaped, of moderate thickness, set well on the head, and dropping forward closely to the cheek.  The ear must be free of fringe, and the hair thereon shorter and darker in colour than the body.  NECK—­Should be of a fair length, and gradually widening towards the shoulders, well carried, and free of throatiness.  There is generally a slight sort of frill visible at each side of the neck, running nearly to the corner of the ear.  SHOULDERS AND CHEST—­Shoulders must be fine, long, and sloping well into the back; the chest deep and muscular, but neither full nor wide.  BACK AND LOIN—­Body moderately long; back should be strong and straight, with no appearance of slackness behind the shoulders; the loin broad and powerful, and slightly arched; ribs fairly sprung,

Project Gutenberg
Dogs and All about Them from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.