Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

The earliest authentic record we have of the Bedlington was a dog named Old Flint, who belonged to Squire Trevelyan, and was whelped in 1782.  The pedigree of Mr. William Clark’s Scamp, a dog well known about 1792, is traced back to Old Flint, and the descendants of Scamp were traced in direct line from 1792 to 1873.

A mason named Joseph Aynsley has the credit for giving the name of “Bedlington” to this terrier in 1825.  It was previously known as the Rothbury Terrier, or the Northern Counties Fox-terrier.  Mr. Thomas J. Pickett, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, was perhaps the earliest supporter of the breed on a large scale, and his Tynedale and Tyneside in especial have left their names in the history of the Bedlington.

The present day Bedlington, like a good many other terriers, has become taller and heavier than the old day specimens.  This no doubt is due to breeding for show points.  He is a lathy dog, but not shelly, inclined to be flatsided, somewhat light in bone for his size, very lively in character, and has plenty of courage.  If anything, indeed, his pluck is too insistent.

The standard of points as adopted by the National Bedlington Terrier and The Yorkshire Bedlington Terrier Clubs is as follows:—­

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SKULL—­Narrow, but deep and rounded; high at the occiput, and covered with a nice silky tuft or topknot.  MUZZLE—­Long, tapering, sharp and muscular, as little stop as possible between the eyes, so as to form nearly a line from the nose-end along the joint of skull to the occiput.  The lips close fitting and without flew.  EYES—­Should be small and well sunk in the head.  The blues should have a dark eye, the blues and tans ditto, with amber shades; livers and sandies, a light brown eye.  NOSE—­Large, well angled; blues and blues and tans should have black noses, livers and sandies flesh-coloured.  TEETH—­Level or pincher-jawed.  EARS—­Moderately large, well formed, flat to the cheek, thinly covered and tipped with fine silky hair.  They should be filbert shaped.  LEGS—­Of moderate length, not wide apart, straight and square set, and with good-sized feet, which are rather long.  TAIL—­Thick at the root, tapering to a point, slightly feathered on lower side, 9 inches to 11 inches long and scimitar shaped.  NECK AND SHOULDERS—­Neck long, deep at base, rising well from the shoulders, which should be flat.  BODY—­Long and well-proportioned, flat ribbed, and deep, not wide in chest, slightly arched back, well ribbed up, with light quarters.  COAT—­Hard, with close bottom, and not lying flat to sides.  COLOUR—­Dark blue, blue and tan, liver, liver and tan, sandy, or sandy and tan.  HEIGHT—­About 15 inches to 16 inches.  WEIGHT—­Dogs about 24 pounds; bitches about 22 pounds.  GENERAL APPEARANCE—­He is a light-made, lathy dog, but not shelly.

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Project Gutenberg
Dogs and All about Them from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.