The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

The Laplanders live in a very cold country, called Lapland, in which the ground is covered with snow all the year round; they are very happy notwithstanding, for God gives every people means to be happy, if they are good and love him; they have nice little huts to live in, and sledges to travel with, which are drawn by rein-deer—­we will read about the rein-deer by and by.  The Laplanders are kind to strangers, and are very brave, although they are the smallest people in the world.

This is a picture of Greeks:  they were once a very great and powerful people, but afterwards the Turks conquered them; they have now, however, a king of their own.

The Persians, of whom this is a picture, live in a country of Asia called Persia, from whence the most beautiful silks, carpets, leather, gold and silver lace, and pearls, are brought.  The Persian women are very handsome, and wear the most beautiful clothes of any women in the world—­we should not like them the better for this, for handsome faces and fine clothes will not make people good or happy, unless they try to be so themselves.

This is a picture of the natives of the Sandwich islands:  they are a very friendly people, and live together without fighting or quarrelling; they make mats and canoes, and the women make cloth.

The Turks (this is a picture of some of them) are very fine handsome people; they wear very long beards; and they shave their heads and wear white turbans instead of hair; they are very fond of drinking coffee and smoking from great long pipes.

The English are represented in this picture:  you are English children—­England is a very great country, and the Queen of England has many ships in every part of the world; and a great many places, many thousand miles away, belong to England.

This picture represents the Swiss:  they are a very brave, honest, good people, and their country is very beautiful; a great many clocks and watches are made in Switzerland.

This is a picture of the Chinese:  they wear very curious dresses; and the ladies in China squeeze their feet very much, in order to make them small, which they think a great beauty.  Tea comes from China, and is the leaf of a small plant.

This picture represents the Dutch:  they are a very clean and industrious people, and the little children there are never idle.

The last picture represents the Tartars:  they live in Asia, and wander about without any fixed dwelling, not staying in one place longer than while it gives them food for themselves and their horses, of which they have a great many.  Horses are wild in Tartary.

Project Gutenberg
The Infant System from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.