The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

  Where’er we turn our wondering eyes,
    His power and skill we see;
  Wonders on wonders grandly rise,
    And speak the Deity.

Q. Who is the Deity?  A. Almighty God.

Nothing can be a greater error than to allow the children to use the name of God on every trifling occasion.  Whenever it is necessary, it should, in my opinion, be commenced with Almighty, first, both by teacher and scholars.  I am convinced, from what I have seen in many places, that the frequent repetition of his holy name has a very injurious effect.


Q. What is this?  A. A picture of Solomon’s wise judgment.  Q. Describe what you mean?  A. Two women stood before king Solomon.  Q. Did the women say any thing to the king when they came before him?  A. Yes; one woman said, O my Lord, I and this woman dwell in one house, and I had a child there, and this woman had a child also, and this woman’s child died in the night.  Q. To whom did the women speak when they said, O my Lord?  A. To king Solomon.  Q. What did the woman mean when she said, we dwell in one house?  A. She meant that they both lived in it.  Q. Did the woman say any thing more to the king?  A. Yes; she said the other woman rose at midnight, and took her son from her.  Q. What is meant by midnight?  A. Twelve o’clock, or the middle of the night.  Q. What did the other woman say in her defence?  A. She said the live child was hers, and the other said it is mine; this they spake before the king.  Q. When the king heard what the women had to say, what did he do?  A. He said bring me a sword; and they brought a sword before the king.  Q. Did the king do any thing with the sword?  A. No; he said, divide the child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.  Q. What did the women say to that?  A. One said, O my Lord, give her the living child, and in nowise slay it; but the other said, let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it.  Q. What took place next?  A. The king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in nowise slay it, she is the mother thereof.  Q. What is meant by slaying?  A. To kill any thing.  Q. To which woman was the child given?  A. To the woman that said do not hurt it.  Q. What is the reason that it was called a wise judgment?  A. Because Solomon took a wise method to find it out.  Q. Did the people hear of it?  A. Yes, all Israel heard of it, and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment.  Q. What is meant by all Israel?  A. All the people over whom Solomon was king?  Q. If we want to know any more about Solomon where can we find it?  A. In the third chapter of the first book of Kings.

Incidental Conversation.

Project Gutenberg
The Infant System from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.