The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

Here we see the seeds of philanthropy sown in the young mind, beginning, even in infancy, to burst and blossom forth, giving promise in after years of a glorious and abundant harvest.  The germ of love and mercy is in every breast, and cannot fail to be developed, if early called into action; and by the blessing of Almighty God, who is the great First Cause of all good results, the day is fast approaching, yea, is now at hand, when the fierce passions, the love of self, the long catalogues of debasing crimes, which have so long disgraced human nature, will give way before a golden age of true Christianity; when man will not be arrayed against his fellow-men, but all will go hand in hand together in the bond of love, seeking to do good, and to accomplish the purposes for which they were created by an all-wise and all-benevolent God.

The following anecdote illustrates the subject still further:—­

“One day, when the children were in the play-ground, four boys occupied the boys’ circular swing, while a stranger gentleman was looking on with the teacher.  Conscious of being looked at, the little fellows were wheeling round with more than usual swiftness and dexterity, when a little creature of two or three years made a sudden dart forward into their very orbit, and in an instant must have been knocked down with great force.  With a presence of mind and consideration, and with a mechanical skill,—­which to admire most we knew not, one of the boys, about five years old, used the instant of time in which the singular movement was practicable, threw his whole body into a horizontal position, and went clear over the infant’s head.  But this was not all; in the same well employed instant it occurred to him that that movement was not enough to save the little intruder, as he himself was to be followed as quick as thought by the next swinger; for this he provided, by dropping his own feet to the ground, and stopping the whole machine the instant he had cleared the child’s head.  The spectator of this admirable specimen of intellect and good feeling, which was all necessarily the thought and act of a moment, had his hand instinctively in his pocket for a shilling, but was stopped by the teacher, who disowns all inferior motives for acts of kindness and justice.  The little hero, however, had his reward, for the incident was related by the teacher in a full school, in the presence of the strangers, and was received with several rounds of hearty applause.”

We will quote another anecdote illustrative of the good effects of exercising the kindly feelings.

J.J. accused H.S. of having eaten up J.J.’s dinner.  It was proved by several witnesses that H.S. not only appropriated the dinner, but used force:  the charge being proved to the satisfaction of the jury (the whole school), the same tribunal were requested by the teacher to decide what should be the consequence to the convict.  One orator rose, and suggested that as H.S. had not yet eat his

Project Gutenberg
The Infant System from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.