of the Duke of York’s expedition was liable
to cause—in France it would have destroyed
the Government. (This is an opinion rather tinged
by the Revolution, but it is true that our House
of Commons looks to final results.) They were strong,
he said, by “les souvenirs attachants a
l’histoire”; that on the contrary
he could make eighty senates in France as good as the
present; that he had intended to create a nobility
by marrying his generals, whom he accounted as
quite insignificant, notwithstanding the titles
he had given them, to the offspring of the old nobility
of France. He had reserved a fund from the
contribution which he levied when he made treaties
with Austria, Prussia, etc., in order to
found these new families. “Did you get anything
from Russia?”
N. No, I never asked
anything from her but to shut her ports
against England.
He wished, he said, to favour
the re-establishment of the old
families, but every time he
touched that chord an alarm was raised,
and the people trembled as
a horse does when he is checked.
He told the story of the poisoning, and said there was some truth in it—he had wished to give opium to two soldiers who had got the plague and could not be carried away, rather than leave them to be murdered by the Turks, but the physician would not consent. He said that after talking the subject over very often he had changed his mind on the morality of the measure. He owned to shooting the Turks, and said they had broken their capitulation. He found great fault with the French Admiral who fought the battle of the Nile, and pointed out what he ought to have done, but he found most fault with the Admiral who fought—R. Calder—for not disabling his fleet, and said that if he could have got the Channel clear then, or at any other time, he would have invaded England.
He said the Emperor of Russia was clever and had “idees liberales,” but was a veritable Grec. At Tilsit, the Emperor of Russia, King of Prussia, and N. used to dine together. They separated early—the King of Prussia went to bed, and the two Emperors met at each other’s quarters and talked, often on abstract subjects, till late in the night. The King of Prussia a mere corporal, and the Emperor of Austria very prejudiced—“d’ailleurs honnete homme.”
Berthier quite a pen-and-ink
man—but “bon diable qui servit le
premier, a me temoigner ses
regrets, les larmes aux yeux.”
Metternich a man of the world,
“courtisan des femmes,” but too
false to be a good statesman-"car
en politique il ne faut pas etre
trop menteur.”