Lady John Russell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 463 pages of information about Lady John Russell.

Lady John Russell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 463 pages of information about Lady John Russell.
  visit to Ireland, 1849
  and Palmerston, the letter to Lord John Russell
  conversation with Lady John Russell on Palmerston
  visits to Pembroke Lodge
  sends for Lords Aberdeen and Lansdowne
  letter to Lord John Russell asking him to serve under Lord Aberdeen
  Palmerston’s return to power
  Lord Derby’s Cabinet, 1858
  sends for Granville and afterwards for Palmerston
  and Italy
  visit to Coburg
  death of the Prince Consort
  letter to Lord Russell on Palmerston’s illness
  refuses Lord Russell’s resignation, 1866
  lays foundation stone of the Albert Hall
  letter to Lady Russell at Cannes
  invitation to Lord Russell
  letter to Lady Russell on death of Lady Amberley
  letter to Lady Russell on death of Lord Amberley
  letter to Lady Russell on death of Lord Russell
  requests Lady Russell to remain at Pembroke Lodge
  letter to Lady Russell on marriage of her son
  visit of Lady Russell to Vienna
  Conference of
  “Vienna Note,” the
Villafranca, peace of
Villiers, Lady Victoria—­
  Letter to Lady Russell
  letter from Lady Russell
  death of
  otherwise mentioned
Villiers, Montagu, Bishop of Durham,
  vote of thanks to Lord John Russell
Villiers, Mrs. E.
Voysey, Mr.

Wales, Prince of, illness, 1871
Wales, Princess of
Walpole, Sir Spencer
  cited on Lord John’s resignation
  “Life of Lord John Russell”
  “The History,” quoted
Walton, Isaac
War Office incompetence
Warburton, Mrs. (see also Lister, Isabel)—­
  Letter from Lady Russell
  letter to Lady Agatha Russell
  Lady John Russell’s impressions,
  George IV and
Wellington, Duke of—­
  resignation in 1830
  the temporary Cabinet
  personality from the letters
  Napoleon on
  and George IV
Westcott, Dr.
Westminster Abbey, coronation of Queen Victoria
Westminster School
Whigs, the—­
  Position in 1841
  and the Corn Laws
  and Peel’s Sedition Bill
  alliance with the Peelites
  and Russell
Wicksteed, Rev. Philip H., speech of
William IV—­
  Dismisses Melbourne
  opening of Parliament, February, 1836
  and Brougham
Windsor Castle
  Lady John Russell at
Wiseman, pastoral letters (1850)
Woburn Abbey
War, Lady John Russell on
Woman, Lady John Russell on her position
Wood, Lady Mary
Wood, Sir Charles
Wyhoff, Chevalier, “Reminiscences of an Idler”

Yarrow Young Ireland party

Zuerich, Congress at, Napoleon’s plans

Project Gutenberg
Lady John Russell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.