Napoleon on
foreign policy
otherwise mentioned
Fox Club, the
The July revolution
deposition of Louis Philippe
and the Greek crisis
and Denmark
the coup d’etat of December, 1851
events leading to the Crimean War
Cobden’s Free Trade Treaty
Franchise, Mr. Locke King’s motion
Franco-German War, outbreak
Franklin, Sir John
“Free Church,” the
Free Church of Scotland, establishment
Free Church, Richmond, the memorial tablet
Free Trade, the new principle
Lady John and
number of Free Traders in 1846
Froude, J.A., at Chesham Place
on removal of Irish grievances
“Life of Lord Beaconsfield,” passage quoted
Garbarino, Villa
Gardiner, Dr.
Cavour and
and the Sicilian rebels
attack on Naples
at Pembroke Lodge
letter to Lord John
otherwise mentioned
George III
Napoleon on
George IV, death
Napoleon on
story of
The Zollverein
influence of French affairs on
the Crown Princess
the Franco-German War
the Crown Prince and the war
Gibbon, historian, appearance
Gladstone, Right Hon. W.E.—
and Lord John Russell
and the Corn Laws
at the War and Colonial Office
his first great speech
his first Budget
Italian sympathies
letters regarding the Neapolitan prisoners
defeated at Oxford
and the Franchise
introduces the Reform Bill, March, 1866
reports Government defeat to Lord John
and Disraeli’s Franchise Bill
letter to Dr. Pusey quoted
the Irish Church question, 1868
visits to Pembroke Lodge
speech on Irish Church disestablishment
conversation on Parliamentary courage
the Affirmation Bill
letters to Lady Russell
his article on the Melbourne Ministry
and Parnell
Lady Russell on
“Gladstonian,” the term
his last Cabinet
mentioned in the letters
Justin McCarthy on
Gladstone, Mrs.
letter to Lady John Russell
at Pembroke Lodge
Glenelg, Lord
Godfrey, Miss Alice (see Russell, Mrs. Rollo)
Gortschakoff, Prince, Russian emissary
Goschen, Mr., appointment
Graham, Sir James
Grant, General
Granville, Lord—
Letter to Lady John
correspondence with Canning
sent for by the Queen
and Italy
correspondence with Lord Clarendon
Gray, Maxwell, “The Silence of Dean Maitland”
Greece, the crisis of 1850
Russian policy
Greville, Charles—
Cited on Lord John Russell
on the Greek crisis
Grey, Lady
Grey, (2nd) Earl—
Prime Minister
resignation, May, 1834
Grey, (3rd) Earl,
Grey, Sir George,
“Security of the Crown” Bill
and Fergus O’Connor
rumoured Irish rebellion
and the Conspiracy laws
and Louis Philippe
dismissal and his reply to Louis Philippe