Renault, Philip Francis,
imported slaves,
Resolutions of the Vicksburg Convention bearing on
the exodus to
Rhode Island,
exterminated slavery,
Richards, Benjamin,
a wealthy Negro of Pittsburgh,
Richard, Fannie M.,
a successful teacher in Detroit,
Riley, William H.,
a well-to-do bootmaker,
Ringold, Thomas,
advertisement of, for a slave in the West,
friends of fugitives in,
Saint John, Governor,
aid of, to the Negroes in Kansas,
Sandy Lake,
Negro settlement in,
Saunders of Cabell County, Virginia,
sent manumitted slaves to Cass County,
Saxton, General Rufus,
plan for handling refugees in South Carolina,
Scotch-Irish Presbyterians,
favorable to fugitives,
Scott, Henry,
owner of a pickling business,
Scroggs, Wm. O.,
referred to as authority on interstate
a cause of migration,
Shelby County, Ohio,
Negroes in,
Sierra Leone,
Negroes of, settled in Jamaica,
Simmons, W.J.,
returned from Pennsylvania to Kentucky,
Singleton, Moses,
leader of the exodus from Kansas,
Sixth Article of Ordinance of 1787,
Slave Code in Louisiana,
Slavery in the Northwest;
slavery in Indiana;
slavery of whites,
mingled freely with their masters in early
Smith, Gerrit,
effort to colonize Negroes in New York,
Smith, Stephen,
a lumber merchant,
South Carolina,
slavery considered profitable there,
change of attitude of, toward the Negro;
drastic laws against vagrancy,
Southern States divided on the Negro,
Spears, Noah,
sent his manumitted slaves to Greene County,
Starr, Frederick,
comment of, on the refugees,
successful Negroes of,
Still, William,
a coal merchant,
St. Philippe,
slaves of,
Success of Negro migrants,
Suffrage of the Negroes in the colonies,
Tappan, Arthur,
attacked by New York mob,
Tappan, Lewis,
attacked by New York mob,
a cause of migration,
drain of laborers to;
proposed colony of Negroes there,
Thomas, General,
opened farms for refugees,
Thompson, A.V.,
a tailor,
Thompson, C.M.,
comment on freedmen’s vagrancy,
Topp, W.H.,
a merchant tailor,
Trades unions,
attitude of, toward Negro labor,
the exodus of Negroes to;
Negroes from Philadelphia settled there,