The Faith of Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about The Faith of Men.

The Faith of Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about The Faith of Men.

She came often to the post to trade.  And often she sat by the big wood stove and chatted in broken English with Neil Bonner.  And he came to look for her coming; and on the days she did not come he was worried and restless.  Sometimes he stopped to think, and then she was met coldly, with a resolve that perplexed and piqued her, and which, she was convinced, was not sincere.  But more often he did not dare to think, and then all went well and there were smiles and laughter.  And Amos Pentley, gasping like a stranded catfish, his hollow cough a-reek with the grave, looked upon it all and grinned.  He, who loved life, could not live, and it rankled his soul that others should be able to live.  Wherefore he hated Bonner, who was so very much alive and into whose eyes sprang joy at the sight of Jees Uck.  As for Amos, the very thought of the girl was sufficient to send his blood pounding up into a hemorrhage.

Jees Uck, whose mind was simple, who thought elementally and was unused to weighing life in its subtler quantities, read Amos Pentley like a book.  She warned Bonner, openly and bluntly, in few words; but the complexities of higher existence confused the situation to him, and he laughed at her evident anxiety.  To him, Amos was a poor, miserable devil, tottering desperately into the grave.  And Bonner, who had suffered much, found it easy to forgive greatly.

But one morning, during a bitter snap, he got up from the breakfast-table and went into the store.  Jees Uck was already there, rosy from the trail, to buy a sack of flour.  A few minutes later, he was out in the snow lashing the flour on her sled.  As he bent over he noticed a stiffness in his neck and felt a premonition of impending physical misfortune.  And as he put the last half-hitch into the lashing and attempted to straighten up, a quick spasm seized him and he sank into the snow.  Tense and quivering, head jerked back, limbs extended, back arched and mouth twisted and distorted, he appeared as though being racked limb from limb.  Without cry or sound, Jees Uck was in the snow beside him; but he clutched both her wrists spasmodically, and as long as the convulsion endured she was helpless.  In a few moments the spasm relaxed and he was left weak and fainting, his forehead beaded with sweat, and his lips flecked with foam.

“Quick!” he muttered, in a strange, hoarse voice.  “Quick!  Inside!”

He started to crawl on hands and knees, but she raised him up, and, supported by her young arm, he made faster progress.  As he entered the store the spasm seized him again, and his body writhed irresistibly away from her and rolled and curled on the floor.  Amos Pentley came and looked on with curious eyes.

“Oh, Amos!” she cried in an agony of apprehension and helplessness, “him die, you think?” But Amos shrugged his shoulders and continued to look on.

Bonner’s body went slack, the tense muscles easing down and an expression of relief coming into his face.  “Quick!” he gritted between his teeth, his mouth twisting with the on-coming of the next spasm and with his effort to control it.  “Quick, Jees Uck!  The medicine!  Never mind!  Drag me!”

Project Gutenberg
The Faith of Men from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.