Indian speeches (1907-1909) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about Indian speeches (1907-1909).

Indian speeches (1907-1909) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about Indian speeches (1907-1909).

Therefore what we have done was in concert with the Government of India, first to open a chapter of constitutional reform, of which I will speak in a moment, and next to appoint a Royal Commission to inquire into the internal relations between the Government of India and all its subordinate and co-ordinate parts.  That Commission will report, I believe, in February or March next,—­February, I hope,—­and that again will involve the Government of India and the India Office in Whitehall in pretty laborious and careful inquiries.  It cannot be expected—­and it ought not to be expected—­that an Act passed as the organic Act of 1858 was passed, amidst intense excitement and most disturbing circumstances, should have been in existence for half a century without disclosing flaws and imperfections, or that its operations would not be the better for supervision, or incapable of improvement.

I spoke of delay in these observations, and unfortunately delay has not made the skies any brighter.  But, my Lords, do not let us make the Indian sky cloudier than it really is.  Do not let us consider the clouds to be darker than they really are.  Let me invite your Lordships to look at the formidable difficulties that now encumber us in India, with a due sense of proportion.

What is the state of things as it appears to persons of authority and of ample knowledge in India?  One very important and well-known friend of mine in India says this—­

“The anarchists are few, but, on the other hand, they are apparently prepared to go any length and to run any risk.  It must also be borne in mind that the ordinary man or lad in India has not too much courage, and that the loyal are terrorised by the ruthless extremists.”

It is a curious incident that on the very day before the attempt to assassinate Sir Andrew Fraser was made, he had a reception in the college where the would-be assassin was educated, and his reception was of the most enthusiastic and spontaneous kind.  I only mention that, to show the curious and subtle atmosphere in which things now are at Calcutta.  I will not dwell on that, because although I have a mass of material, this is not the occasion for developing it.  I will only add this from a correspondent of great authority—­

“There is no fear of anything in the nature of a rising, but if murders continue, a general panic may arise and greatly increase the danger of the situation.  We cannot hope that any machinery will completely stop outrages at once.  We must be prepared to meet them.  There are growing indications that the native population itself is alarmed, and that we shall have the strong support of native public opinion.”

The view of important persons in the Government of India is that in substance the position of our Government in India is as sound and as well-founded as it has ever been.

Project Gutenberg
Indian speeches (1907-1909) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.