The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.
[Matt. 4.23.] indeed He healed all sickness and [Luke 5.17-26.] [Matt 9.18 ff.] disease—­and He raised the dead. [Luke 8.41 ff.] The Jews ascribed these miracles [Luke 7. 11-18.] to magic.

Jesus, too (like John, whose
mission ceased when He appeared
in public
), began His ministry
[Matt 4.17.] by proclaiming that the kingdom
of heaven was at hand. 
Many precepts of the Sermon
on the Mount Justin has preserved,
[Matt 5.20.] the righteousness of the
[Matt 5.28.] Scribes and Pharisees, the
[Matt 5.29-32.] adultery of the heart, the offending
[Matt 5.34, 37, eye, divorce, oaths, returning
[Matt 5.44.] good for evil, loving and praying
[Matt 5.42.] for enemies, giving to those that [Luke 6.30.] [Matt 6.19, 20.] need, placing the treasure in [Matt 6.25-27.] heaven, not caring for bodily [Luke 12.22-24.] [Matt 5.45.] wants, but copying the mercy [Matt 6.21, &c.] and goodness of God, not acting
from worldly motives—­above all,
[Matt 7.22, 23.] deeds not words. [Luke 13.26, 27.]

Justin quotes sayings from
[Matt. 8.11, 12.] the narrative of the centurion [Luke 13.28, 29.] [Matt. 9.13.] of Capernaum and of the feast [Luke 5.32.]
in the house of Matthew.  He
[Matt. 10.1 ff.] has, the choosing of the twelve [Luke 6.13.]
Apostles, with the name given
[Mark 3.17.] to the sons of Zebedee, Boanerges
or ‘sons of thunder,’ the com-
mission of the Apostles, the [Luke 10.19.]
[Matt. 11.12-15.] discourse after the departure of [Luke 16.16.]
the messengers of John, the
[Matt. 16.4.] sign of the prophet Jonas, the [Matt. 13.3 ff.] parable of the sower, Peter’s [Luke 8.5 ff.] [Matt. 16.15-18.] confession, the announcement of [Luke 9.22.] [Matt. 16.21.] the Passion.

From the account of the last
journey and the closing scenes
of our Lord’s life, Justin has,
[Matt. 19.16,17.] the history of the rich young [Luke 18.18,19.] [Matt. 21.1 ff.] man, the entry into Jerusalem, [Luke 19.29 ff.]
the cleansing of the Temple, the [Luke 19.46.]
[Matt. 22.11.] wedding garment, the controversial
discourses about the [Luke 20.22-25.]
[Matt. 22.21.] tribute money, the resurrection, [Luke 20.35,36.] [Matt. 22.37,38.] and the greatest commandment, [Matt. 23.2 ff.] those directed against the Pha- [Luke 11.42,52.] [Matt. 25.34,41.] risees and the eschatological [Matt. 25.14-30.] discourse, the parable of the
talents.  Justin’s account of the
institution of the Lord’s Supper [Luke 22.19,20.]
agrees with that of Luke.  After
[Matt. 26.30.] it Jesus sang a hymn, and taking
[Matt. 26.36,37.] with Him three of His disciples
to the Mount of Olives He was
in an agony, His sweat falling in [Luke 22.42-44.]
drops (not necessarily of

Project Gutenberg
The Gospels in the Second Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.