Jesus, too (like
John, whose
mission ceased when He appeared
in public), began His ministry
[Matt 4.17.] by proclaiming that the kingdom
of heaven was at hand.
Many precepts of the Sermon
on the Mount Justin has preserved,
[Matt 5.20.] the righteousness of the
[Matt 5.28.] Scribes and Pharisees, the
[Matt 5.29-32.] adultery of the heart, the offending
[Matt 5.34, 37, eye, divorce, oaths, returning
[Matt 5.44.] good for evil, loving and praying
[Matt 5.42.] for enemies, giving to those that
[Luke 6.30.] [Matt 6.19, 20.] need, placing the
treasure in [Matt 6.25-27.] heaven, not caring for
bodily [Luke 12.22-24.] [Matt 5.45.] wants,
but copying the mercy [Matt 6.21, &c.] and goodness
of God, not acting
from worldly motives—above
[Matt 7.22, 23.] deeds not words.
[Luke 13.26, 27.]
Justin quotes sayings
[Matt. 8.11, 12.] the narrative of the centurion
[Luke 13.28, 29.] [Matt. 9.13.] of Capernaum
and of the feast [Luke 5.32.]
in the house of Matthew. He
[Matt. 10.1 ff.] has, the choosing of the twelve
[Luke 6.13.]
Apostles, with the name given
[Mark 3.17.] to the sons of Zebedee, Boanerges
or ‘sons of thunder,’
the com-
mission of the Apostles, the
[Luke 10.19.]
[Matt. 11.12-15.] discourse after the departure of
[Luke 16.16.]
the messengers of John, the
[Matt. 16.4.] sign of the prophet Jonas, the
[Matt. 13.3 ff.] parable of the sower, Peter’s
[Luke 8.5 ff.] [Matt. 16.15-18.] confession,
the announcement of [Luke 9.22.] [Matt. 16.21.]
the Passion.
From the account
of the last
journey and the closing scenes
of our Lord’s life, Justin
[Matt. 19.16,17.] the history of the rich young
[Luke 18.18,19.] [Matt. 21.1 ff.] man, the entry
into Jerusalem, [Luke 19.29 ff.]
the cleansing of the Temple, the
[Luke 19.46.]
[Matt. 22.11.] wedding garment, the controversial
discourses about the
[Luke 20.22-25.]
[Matt. 22.21.] tribute money, the resurrection,
[Luke 20.35,36.] [Matt. 22.37,38.] and the greatest
commandment, [Matt. 23.2 ff.] those directed against
the Pha- [Luke 11.42,52.] [Matt. 25.34,41.] risees
and the eschatological [Matt. 25.14-30.] discourse,
the parable of the
talents. Justin’s account
of the
institution of the Lord’s
Supper [Luke 22.19,20.]
agrees with that of Luke. After
[Matt. 26.30.] it Jesus sang a hymn, and taking
[Matt. 26.36,37.] with Him three of His disciples
to the Mount of Olives He was
in an agony, His sweat falling in
[Luke 22.42-44.]
drops (not necessarily of