| | | exact, second
| | | variant; in N.T.
| | | quotations,
| | | first variant,
| | | second exact.
| Is. 50.7. | |note repetition,
| | | nearer to LXX.
6. Ps. 118.22. | | |so Matt. 21.42;
| | | 1 Pet. 11.7.
| | |
6. Ps. 22.17+ | |6. Ps. 118.24. |from memory?
(order). | | |note repetition,
| | | nearer to LXX.
Ps. 118.12. | | |
Ps. 22.19. | | |
Is. 3.9, 10. | | |
| | Ex. 33.1. |from memory?
| Gen. 1.26+. | |note repetition,
Gen. 1.28. | | | further from LXX.
| | Ezek. 11.19; |paraphrastic.
| | 36.26. |
| | Ps. 41.3. |
| | Ps. 22.23. |different version?
| | Gen. 1.26, 28. |paraphrastic
| | | fusion.
| |7. Lev. 23.29. |paraphrastic.
| | Lev. 16.7, sqq.|with apocryphal
| | Lev. 16.7. sqq.| addition; cp.
| | | Just. and Tert.
|9. Ps. 18.44. | |
9. Is. 33.13+. | | |
| |9. Jer. 4.4. |
| | Jer. 7.2. |
| | Ps. 34.13. |
Is. 1.2. | | |but with additions.
| Is. 1.10+. | |from memory?
| | |[Greek: archontes
| | | toutou] for [Gr.
| | | a. Zodomon.]
| | Is. 40.3. |addition.
| | Jer. 4.3 ,4. |}repetition,
| | Jer. 7.26. |} nearer to LXX.
| | Jer. 9.26. |
| | Gen. 17.26, 27;|inferred sense
| | cf. 14.14. | merely, but
| | | with marks of
| | | quotation.
| |10. Lev. 11, |selected examples,
| | Deut. 14. | but with
| | | examples of
| | | quotation.
| | Deut. 4.1. |
10. Ps. 1.1. | | |
| | Lev. 11.3. |
| |11. Jer. 2.12, 13.|
| | +Is. 16.1, 2. |[Greek: Zina] for
| | | [Greek: Zion].