The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

[270:1] Geschichte Jesu von Nazara, i. pp. 141-143.

[273:1] Geschichte Jesu von Nazara. i. pp. 143, 144.

[273:2] On the Canon, p. 182 sqq.

[275:1] [Greek:  Ouch haedomai trophae phthoras, oude haedonais tou biou toutou.  Arton Theou thelo, arton ouranion, arton zoaes, hos estin sarx Iaesou Christou tou Huiou tou Theou tou genomenou en hustero ek spermatos Dabid kai Abraam; kai poma Theou thelo to haima aoutou, ho estin agapae aphthartos kai aennaos zoae.] Ep. ad Rom. c. vii.

[275:2] [Greek:  Alla to Pneuma ou planatai, apo Theou on; oiden gar pothen erchetai kai pou hupagei, kai ta drupta elenche]. Ep. ad Philad. c. vii.

[276:1] Cf.  Lipsius in Schenkel’s Bibel-Lexicon, i. p. 98.

[277:1] The second and third Epistles stand upon a somewhat different footing.

[277:2] Cf. S.R. ii. p. 269.

[278:1] S.R. ii p. 323.

[278:2] Geschichte Jesu von Nazara, i. p. 138 sq.

[280:1] Cf. S.R. ii. p. 302.

[280:2] So Dial. c.  Tryph. 69; in Apol. i. 22 the MSS. of Justin read [Greek:  ponaerous], which might stand, though some editors substitute or prefer [Greek:  paerous].  In both quotations [Greek:  ek genetaes] is added.  The nearest parallel in the Synoptics is Mark ix. 21, [Greek:  ek paidiothen] (of the paralytic boy).

[280:3] Wann wurden u. s. w. p. 34.

[283:1] ii. p. 308. [Has the author perhaps misunderstood Credner (Beit. i. p. 253), whose argument on this head is not indeed quite clear?]

[283:2] The New Testament &c., i. p. 709.

[284:1] See Apol. i. 23, 32, 63; ii. 10.

[284:2] [Greek:  Hae de protae dunamis meta ton patera panton kai despotaen Theon kai uios ho logos estin.] This is not quite rightly translated by Tischendorf and in ‘Supernatural Religion:’  [Greek:  uios], like [Greek:  dunamis], is a predicate; ’the next Power who also stands in the relation of Son.’

[285:1] Prov. viii. 22-24, 27, 30.

[285:2] Wisd. vii. 25, 26; viii. 1, 4.

[286:1] Ecclus. xxiv. 9.

[286:2] Wisd. ix. 1, 2; xvi. 12; xviii. 15.

[287:1] Cf.  Lipsius in S.  B. L. i. p. 95 sqq.

[288:1] Der Kanon und die Kritik des N. T. (Halle, 1863), p. 29; Einleitung, P. 43, n.

[288:2] Der Ursprung unserer Evangelien, p. 63.

[288:3] ii. p. 346.

[290:1] S.  R. ii. p. 340.

[293:1] The force of the article ([Greek:  tou paerou]) should be noticed, as showing that the incident (and therefore the Gospel) is assumed to be well known.

[293:2] S.R. ii. p. 341.

[295:1] Tischendorf, Wann wurden, p. 40; Westcott, Canon, p. 80.

[296:1] ii. p. 357 sqq.

[297:1] Adv.  Haer. V. 36. 1, 2.

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The Gospels in the Second Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.