The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

[245:2] ii. p. 177.

[245:3] Adv.  Marc. iv. 1 (cf.  Roensch, Das neue Testament Tertullian’s, p. 48), ’duo deos dividens, proinde diversos, alterum alterius instrumenti—­vel, quod magis usui est dicere, testamenti.’

[246:1] [Greek:  Eisi toinun hoi di’ hagnoian philoneikousi peri touton, sungnoston pragma peponthotes agnoia gar ou kataegorian anadechetai, alla didachaes prosdeitai.  Kai legousin hoti tae id’ to probaton meta ton mathaeton ephagen ho Kurios tae de mealier haemera ton azumon autos epathen; kai diaegountai Matthaion outo legein hos nenoaekasin; hothen asumphonos te nomo hae noaesis auton, kai stasiazein dokei kat’ autous ta euangelia.] Chron.  Pasch. in Routh, Rel.  Sac. i. p. 160.

[247:1] S.  R. ii. p. 188 sqq.  The reference to Routh is given on p. 188, n. 1; that to Lardner in the same note should, I believe, be ii. p. 316, not p. 296.

[247:2] Rel.  Sac. i. p. 167.

[249:1] The quotations from Athenagoras are transcribed from ‘Supernatural Religion’ and Lardner (Credibility &c., ii. p. 195 sq.).  I have not access to the original work.

[251:1] Credibility &c., ii. p. 161.

[252:1] Ep.  Vien. et Lugd. Sec. 3 (in Routh, Rel.  Sac. i. p. 297).

[252:2] S.R. ii. p. 203; Evv.  Justin’s u.s.w. p. 155.

[254:1] Wann wurden u.s.w. p. 48 sq.

[254:2] Ursprung, p. 130; S.R. ii. p. 222.

[255:1] Cf.  Credner, Beitraege, ii. p. 254.

[256:1] Adv.  Haer. i.  Praef. 2.

[257:1] Strom. iv. 9.

[257:2] [Greek:  Ton Oualentinou legomenon einai gnorimon Haerakleouna] ...  Origen, Comm. in Joh. ii. p. 60 (quoted by Volkmar, Ursprung, p. 127).

[259:1] ’In affirming that [these quotations] are taken from the Gospel according to St. Matthew apologists exhibit their usual arbitrary haste,’ &c. S.R. ii. p. 224.

[260:1] Celsus’ Wahres Wort, Zurich, 1873.  For what follows, see especially p. 261 sqq.

[263:1] Keim, Celsus’ Wahres Wort, p. 262.

[263:2] Ibid. p. 228 sq.; Volkmar, Ursprung, p. 80.

[263:3] The text of this document is printed in full by Routh, Rel.  Sac. i. pp. 394-396; Westcott, On the Canon, p. 487 sqq.; Hilgenfeld, Der Kanon und die Kritik des N.T. ad p. 40, n.; Credner, Geschichte des Noutestamentlichen Kanon, ed.  Volkmar, p. 153 sqq., &c.

[264:1] See however Dr. Lightfoot in Cont.  Rev., Oct. 1875, p. 837.

[265:1] Ursprung, p. 28.

[265:2] ii. p. 245.

[266:1] Cf.  Credner, Gesch. des Kanon, p. 167.

[266:2] S.R. ii. p. 241.

[267:1] Quoted in S.R. ii. p. 247.

[269:1] Adv.  Haer. ii, 22. 5, iii. 3.4.

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The Gospels in the Second Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.