The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

The Gospels in the Second Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about The Gospels in the Second Century.

[233:1] See Crowfoot, Observations on the Collation in Greek of Cureton’s Syriac Fragments of the Gospels, 1872, p. 5; Scrivener, Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, 2nd edition, 1874, p. 452.

[233:2] See Scrivener, Introduction, p. 307 sq.; and Dr. Westcott’s article on the ‘Vulgate’ in Smith’s Dictionary.  It should be noticed that Dr. Westcott’s literation differs from that of Dr. Scrivener and Tregelles, which has been adopted here.

[235:1] Cf.  Friedlaender, Sittengeschichte Roms, iii. p. 315.

[238:1] See p. 89, above.

[238:2] Strom. iii. 12; compare S.R. ii. p. 151.

[239:1] [Greek:  Ho mentoi ge proteros auton archaegos ho Tatianos sunapheian tina kai sunagogaen ouk oid’ hopos ton euangelion suntheis to dia tessaron touto prosonomasin, ho kai para tisin eiseti nun pheretai.] H.  E. iv. 29.

[239:2] Beitraege, i. p. 441.

[240:1] Haer. 391 D (xlvi. 1).

[240:2] [Greek:  Outos kai to dia tessaron kaloumenon suntetheiken euangelion, tas te genealogias perikopsas, kai ta alla, hosa ek spermatos Dabid kata sorka genennaemenon ton Kurion deiknusin.  Echraesanto de touto ou monon oi taes ekeinou summorias, alla kai oi tous apostolikois epomenoi dogmasi, taen taes sunthaekaes kakourgian ouk egnokotes, all’ aplousteron hos suntomo to biblio chraesamenoi.  Euron de kago pleious ae diakosias biblous toiautas en tais par’ haemin ekklaesiois tetimaemenas, kai pasas sunagagan apethemaen, kai ta ton tettaron euangeliston anteisaegagon euangelia] (Haeret.  Fab. i. 20, quoted by Credner, Beitraege, i. p. 442).

[240:3] See S.R. ii. p. 15.

[241:1] S.R. ii. p. 162; compare Credner, Beitraege, i. p. 446 sqq.

[241:2] Adv.  Haer. iii. 11. 8.

[241:3] Beit. i. p. 443.

[241:4] May not Tatian have given his name to a collection of materials begun, used, and left in a more or less advanced stage of compilation, by Justin?  However, we can really do little more than note the resemblance:  any theory we may form must be purely conjectural.

[242:1] [Greek:  Epistolas gar adelphon axiosanton me grapsai egarapsa.  Kai tautas oi tou diabolon apostoloi zizanion gegemikan, ha men exairountes, ha de prostithentes.  Ois to ouai keitai.  Ou thaumaston ara, ei kai ton kuriakon rhadiourgaesai tines epibeblaentai graphon, hopote tais ou toiautais epibebouleukasi.] H.E. iv. 23 (Routh, Rel.  Sac. i. p. 181).

[243:1] [Greek:  Allae d’ epistolae tis autou pros Nikomaedeas pheretai en hae taen Markionos airesin polemon to taes alaetheias paristatai kanoni]. H.E. iv. 23_.

[244:1] [Greek:  Akribos mathon ta taes palaias diathaekaes Biblia, hipotaxas epempsa soi.] Euseb. H.E. iv. 26 (Routh, Rel.  Sac. i. p. 119).

[245:1] Westcott, On the Canon, p. 201.

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The Gospels in the Second Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.