Light of the Western Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 479 pages of information about Light of the Western Stars.

Light of the Western Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 479 pages of information about Light of the Western Stars.

“My boy, there’s only one way to handle a Greaser.  I shore told you thet.  He means rough toward us.  He’ll come smilin’ up, all soci’ble like, insinuatin’ an’ sweeter ’n a woman.  But he’s treacherous; he’s wuss than an Indian.  An’, Gene, we know for a positive fact how his gang hev been operatin’ between these hills an’ Agua Prieta.  They’re no nervy gang of outlaws like we used to hev.  But they’re plumb bad.  They’ve raided and murdered through the San Luis Pass an’ Guadalupe Canyon.  They’ve murdered women, an’ wuss than thet, both north an’ south of Agua Prieta.  Mebbe the U. S. cavalry don’t know it, an’ the good old States; but we, you an’ me an’ Monty an’ Nick, we know it.  We know jest about what thet rebel war down there amounts to.  It’s guerrilla war, an’ shore some harvest-time fer a lot of cheap thieves an’ outcasts.”

“Oh, you’re right, Nels.  I’m not disputing that,” replied Stewart.  “If it wasn’t for Miss Hammond and the other women, I’d rather enjoy seeing you and Monty open up on that bunch.  I’m thinking I’d be glad to meet Don Carlos.  But Miss Hammond!  Why, Nels, such a woman as she is would never recover from the sight of real gun-play, let alone any stunts with a rope.  These Eastern women are different.  I’m not belittling our Western women.  It’s in the blood.  Miss Hammond is—­is—­”

“Shore she is,” interrupted Nels; “but she’s got a damn sight more spunk than you think she has, Gene Stewart.  I’m no thick-skulled cow.  I’d hate somethin’ powerful to hev Miss Hammond see any rough work, let alone me an’ Monty startin’ somethin’.  An’ me an’ Monty’ll stick to you, Gene, as long as seems reasonable.  Mind, ole feller, beggin’ your pardon, you’re shore stuck on Miss Hammond, an’ over-tender not to hurt her feelin’s or make her sick by lettin’ some blood.  We’re in bad here, an’ mebbe we’ll hev to fight.  Sabe, senor?  Wal, we do you can jest gamble thet Miss Hammond’ll be game.  An’ I’ll bet you a million pesos thet if you got goin’ onct, an’ she seen you as I’ve seen you—­wal, I know what she’d think of you.  This old world ain’t changed much.  Some women may be white-skinned an’ soft-eyed an’ sweet-voiced an’ high-souled, but they all like to see a man!  Gene, here’s your game.  Let Don Carlos come along.  Be civil.  If he an’ his gang are hungry, feed ’em.  Take even a little overbearin’ Greaser talk.  Be blind if he wants his gang to steal somethin’.  Let him think the women hev mosied down to the ranch.  But if he says you’re lyin’—­if he as much as looks round to see the women—­jest jump him same as you jumped Pat Hawe.  Me an’ Monty’ll hang back fer thet, an’ if your strong bluff don’t go through, if the Don’s gang even thinks of flashin’ guns, then we’ll open up.  An’ all I got to say is if them Greasers stand fer real gun-play they’ll be the fust I ever seen.”

“Nels, there are white men in that gang,” said Stewart.

“Shore.  But me an’ Monty’ll be thinkin’ of thet.  If they start anythin’ it’ll hev to be shore quick.”

Project Gutenberg
Light of the Western Stars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.